You Have The Right To Gray Days

You have the right to gray days

As human beings, we have the right to be sad sometimes, not to be 100%, not always to have a smile on our face, and to live gray days.

Psychology books often sell us something different: we need to be happy and positive no matter what.

These words are so authoritarian and so absolutist that they sometimes only make our condition worse.

A day without a smile is a day wasted… Have you ever heard this kind of thing? Personally,  I believe that no day is wasted, regardless of our emotions.

It is as if we were saying that a day when we are sick is a day wasted. Obviously, this is not the case.

Thanks to fever, a human being survives his illness by raising his body temperature, to allow his natural defenses to better cope with the viruses and bacteria that make the whole body sick.

Likewise, emotions, whether negative or positive, act as a powerful informative weapon, which tells us what is going on around us.

They allow us to solve our problems, so that we do not intoxicate ourselves emotionally.

Allow yourself a gray day

In psychology, we know that each person needs help with their negative emotions, but also with their positive emotions.

If you are sad about something that has happened to you, you have every right to do so.

This is completely normal and healthy, because  sadness will help you find solutions to solve your problems and to break the deadlock you find yourself in.


But if a negative emotion is present all the time in your daily life, that it does not allow you to live a normal life and to function as you usually do, it is not normal.

You may notice that it is too intense if you cannot stop crying, if you feel bad about yourself and the world around you, and if you have too many negative thoughts.

If this is your case, you have surely fallen into the throes of depression and you need to see a professional.

We are always striving for perfection in everything we do, especially when we approach the subject of our own emotions.

This is called emotional perfectionism, that is, the requirement that we have in the perpetual search for happiness.

Emotional perfectionism, far from helping us, accentuates our discomfort and makes us more and more disturbed, because we do not understand our condition.

It is very difficult to come out of such a spiral of suffering.


Exercise your right to feel

If we have been educated not to disturb and to conform to others, if we have been formatted not to make too much noise, that does not mean that we always have to be silent.

This education often forces us to say “yes” when we want to say “no”, to smile when we want to cry, to accept dates out of obligation when we do not want to.

The result of all of this is that we lack respect for our own feelings. Nowhere is it written that we are not allowed to feel things in times when we cannot do otherwise.

It is important to learn to set limits and to put our own interests before those of others, because we all have the right to have a gray day, to spend 24 hours with only half of our strength, without the However, the world does not collapse.

If we are able to prioritize ourselves and find the strength to continue, there is no problem.

Our energies will return little by little, and we will soon find the desire to smile. But, in the moment, we have to be patient with ourselves.


We all, absolutely all, have sad days. We are sometimes irrational, we have absurd fears, and we cry without knowing why.

Even the most rational person in the world is human, she also gets angry, she cries, she is afraid and lives gray days.

Human nature allows us to feel emotions: to cry with joy or sadness, to have goosebumps when hearing our favorite song, and to crack when we receive the hug we have been waiting for a long time.

However, we must all learn to express our emotions in a natural way, respecting and loving each other, regardless of the momentary state of mind in which we find ourselves.

Don’t fuel your emotional perfectionism by telling yourself that you should be smiling and jumping for joy.

Behave the way your body, mind and heart require, taking care to control the intensity, duration and frequency of this state all the same.

Remember: a gray day is perfectly normal, what is not is never having one.

It is also not good to look sad every day, as that certainly means that you need help if you do.

As a Greek philosopher said thousands of years ago, the soul’s equilibrium point is virtue. 


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