You Are No Better Than Me

You are no better than me

In no case do we underestimate the other. When we say “ you are no better than me” , we do not underestimate the other; it is in fact a balance of power where one of the two people loses against the other.

To love is to build an important and rewarding relationship where every effort is rewarded. We give and receive what we deserve, in complete freedom, in all authenticity.


It is when one of the two members of the couple exercises this power allowing him to ensure that everything is done according to his own needs that the lacks are felt. Do not settle for a little, because love is not measured in quantity, but in happiness and compatibility.


Some people often tell their partner that he or she “deserves everything”; to love is to want the best for the other, for this being who lives in our heart and to whom we would give everything.

But being attached to the other to the point of forgetting our own integrity is not healthy. Others are no better than you.

We invite you to reflect on this subject by discovering the rest of this article.

Don’t settle for a little, but don’t try to have it all either


Often in our romantic relationships, we think in terms of all or nothing. There are couples who are based on absolute dedication, where personal interests have no place and where we only indulge in extremes.


Life isn’t all or nothing, and neither is romantic relationships. There are personal spaces to respect and differences to accept. Complicity is a daily pact that poses no ultimatum, it is a love that evolves in respect and acceptance, far from power games.


  • In the couple, there is not one who deserves everything from the other, because we all have the right to have our secret garden, to cultivate our individuality as well as this personal fulfillment defined by our own choices, without quitting. ‘There is no room for the control that sometimes some companions have over their spouses.
  • Sometimes what is called “romantic love”, it is this love that popularizes this idea of ​​relationships considered in terms of all or nothing, this love established within couples who consider love as a control, as a personal possession. Where jealousy fits are part of the relationship.
  • We cannot expect the other to give us everything; you can’t own your life, no matter how much you love it. Love is simply reciprocity, a union based on the desire of two mature people to build together a “life in common”.

Do not limit yourself to a little. There are no average loves, nor loves where one loves one day, and where the next day one is more sure of nothing. Who says love uncertainty says suffering. Maintaining a relationship where we dominate the other, it chisels the gaps in our heart.

I want to be for you what you are for me


We would then speak of true essence, of the fullest and healthiest truth there is. I want to be for you what you are for me; getting there is sometimes difficult, but it’s something we all aspire to.


I want a love based on reciprocity, where my dedication and affection complement each other, where my presence is recognized, where my voice is heard, and my person loved as much as yours is in my heart.


You will probably have a hard time meeting all of these concepts, and maybe you see all of this more as a desire than a reality. But, there are no hopes that the mind cannot dream of, no emotions that cannot be yearned for, and that is why we invite you to ponder these ideas:

– Before you persist in finding THE person who completes you or who is able to fill your gaps, try instead to become the person you are looking for.

Heal your wounds, find your balance and be the master of your own life so that you can become that person who knows how to be happy with himself, and make others happy.

Avoid those unhealthy relationships where you blindly get attached to someone. Don’t allow your happiness to depend only on that person’s whims or mood swings.

– No one deserves to be unloved, no one deserves to be given everything today, and almost nothing tomorrow.


You deserve a mature and conscious love built in daily effort and spun from a tenderness that is reciprocal.

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