What To Do On One Of Those Days When You Don’t Feel Like Getting Up …

What to do on one of those days when you don't want to get up ...

Everyone has already known this. A day when you don’t even want to wake up,  whether it’s because you have a lot of problems or because you are going through a grieving process and don’t know how to get out of it. It is also possible that you are fed up with everything but cannot find a way out.

There is one thing that you especially do not want on such a day: for someone to come and motivate you. This emotional state is very complex. You need motivation but you refuse everything that can be offered to you. In fact, you don’t want to get up at all; you want to stay there, in a state of inactivity. Sleep or doze off. Either way, you don’t want to face this new day.

It might not be such a bad thing. This state may be an extreme way of signaling one thing to you: you need to take a break. You might have needed it for a long time, but you just wouldn’t admit it. Those days when you don’t feel like getting up are also a great time to start coping with what is happening to you.

woman looking out the window

You don’t feel like getting up: take a break

It is good, if not recommended, to give yourself some space on the days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed. There is nothing wrong with taking a break. This is probably what your screaming mind is asking of you. Maybe it’s time to listen to him. In life, it’s not about always doing what you want. There are, however, circumstances in which it is important to leave room for our wishes.

On the other hand, in a context of sadness, not getting up during the day or getting up and going back to bed are not things to do. Quite simply because it means giving way and taking a step towards depression. If you give in and give in, you will start to cut ties, have problems with work, or plunge into a spiral of apathy that you will have a hard time getting out of.

First steps

You don’t want to get up, but you have to. Get some extra sleep if you want, but don’t go overboard. This is the first goal  you should set for yourself on such a day. It is also the first step to take to get out of this state.

Determine the steps to follow. Get up, shower, get dressed. Each step is a goal to be fulfilled. If you love yourself and want to improve your life, start there. Seek and find a way so that it does not affect your professional obligations. It should also not cause serious harm to work or study. Its very important. If this break gives you trouble, getting up the next day may be even more difficult. Also, if you delay it, choose a day on the calendar that will serve as your emergency exit.

Once these practical issues have been resolved, do not shut yourself up in your own home. If you feel like reading, it is best to do so in a park with children who spread joy. Or in an environment that doesn’t remind you to clean the house.

if you don't feel like getting up, take a shower

Take control

If you’ve ever managed to get out of your house, are in a quiet, green space and  have identified the main source of your apathy, good news: you’ve started to take control of the situation. Do not stop. You have to go a little further.

Consider the alternatives you have to deal with this big concern that bothers and depresses you. Ask yourself if this is the first time this has happened to you or if you have experienced it before. Frequently? With a lot of intensity? Do you feel like there is something more that you cannot visualize? Based on the answers you give to these questions, you will know if you can handle this problem on your own. Or if you need help.

If you can’t find answers to these questions or feel lost, don’t beat yourself up. There is nothing more normal. You should now be aware of one thing: it is time to close the parenthesis. Life must continue. If you don’t feel like this is possible, then you really need help. If you think it’s possible, keep moving forward. Ask yourself the same questions the next day and every day after, until you find an answer.

woman walking

During this time, remember that even if you are re-facing one of those days when you don’t feel like getting up, it is necessary to do so. You need to set daily goals for yourself and meet them. Don’t give in to the temptation to become dissatisfied. It won’t get you anywhere.


Affective flattening, indifference to emotions
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