What Do Positive People Do To Escape Negative Energies?

We are surrounded by negative energies on all sides. Wherever we go, there are people complaining, doing things that hurt them and others, and trying to undermine our morale with their criticisms and limiting arguments. But some people manage to maintain optimism even in the most toxic environments. What do positive people do to run away from the negative energies around them? 

The negative energy that spreads can influence our thoughts and actions. Avoiding sources of negative energy is essential in order to be successful in life. But anyone can be affected by negative emotions. It is only that they fight each other intelligently by the people who have learned to deal with them. How? ‘Or’ What ? In the following ways:

Positive people create happiness from within

Positive people do not seek happiness in external stimuli. When you seek happiness outside of yourself, your morale drops as soon as the outside stimulation wears off. This produces insecurity and addictions.


Positive people seek inner sources of positive energy. The state of happiness does not depend so much as the external situation as on the way of confronting the situation. The state of consciousness allows negative energies to be filtered through the search for inner peace.

Positive people avoid negative people

Perhaps this is one of the most important things a person can do to maintain positive energy. There is a popular saying that “He who avoids opportunity avoids danger”. And it is so. If we avoid toxic people, there is no risk that they will transmit their venom to us.

The problem is, it depends on qualities that we don’t always have: courage and determination. It takes a lot of courage to avoid being around negative people, especially since the ones that affect us the most are often the most important in our lives, or even the people who are truly loved.

But avoiding toxic people has more advantages than disadvantages, especially because when you decide to be with them, you do so freely, with the batteries fully charged and a reinforced shield. When you decide, you are in control. And it’s a great weapon.

Positive people believe in themselves

One of the most toxic and negative burdens we face is the negativity of those who do not believe in us, of those who criticize us or try to limit us, of those who see us as something else. a reflection of their incompetence and their frustrations.

Positive people know that their success depends on believing in themselves, even if no one else trusts them. In the end, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Positive people exercise and connect with nature

Physical exercise promotes the release of endorphins, the hormones of well-being. Exercise also helps manage stress and boost self-esteem. All this gives rise to a cocktail of optimism and positive energy, which helps to maintain resistance in the face of possible waves of external negativity.

In addition, positive people are in contact with nature regularly. Nature and the outdoors promote relaxation, introspection and self-awareness.


Positive people accept failure and take responsibility

Positive people accept failure because they know it is the only way to learn and grow. Positive people understand negative emotions and the failures that cause them, but they don’t spend their lives complaining. They recover and move on.

In addition, positive people always accept responsibility for what happens in their lives, and do not seek to blame others for their mistakes. Positive people focus on what they can improve and analyze what happened to do better next time.

Positive people don’t seek approval from others

Depending on the opinions of others makes people vulnerable, manipulable and dependent, but also addicted. Positive people know this, as they also know that it is not possible to thank everyone. This is why they do not seek the approval of others, but act according to their own scale of values.

Positive people listen to the opinions of others but do not let anything enter them, nothing that does not seem useful for their personal development. In addition, they know how to give thanks in the face of constructive criticism and to confront criticism that wants to destroy them.


Positive people believe everything has a solution

Positive people know that everything has a solution, everything but death. They have a maxim that says: “As long as there is life, there is hope”. For positive people, there is always a way to overcome an obstacle.

Even when they hit rock bottom, positive people are able to reassemble themselves and move forward with the intention of doing whatever it takes to face it and come back up.

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