This Short Film Will Teach You Why It Is So Important To Let Children Choose Their Path

This short film will teach you why it is so important to let children choose their path

“The Moon” is a wonderful short film by Disney Pixar which will introduce you to an exceptional child and all the magic of the universe of this great house of cinema. 

They will dazzle your eyes, fill you with that greed that pushes us forward that makes those stars shine that, from time to time, descend from the firmament.

Believe it or not, this short film is about exactly that: stars falling from the sky that our protagonist’s family takes care of recovering.

They are sweepers whose work is passed on from generation to generation, and that our little hero will have to learn in turn.

“The Moon” is a short film in which a child discovers the profession shared by his father and grandfather.

His gaze filled with innocence teaches us how sensitive children are and are able to choose their own path.

If you have children, if your life is directly related to transmission and if you are surrounded by toddlers who drink your words and who are waiting for you to communicate your knowledge to them, do not hesitate to take a look at this cinematographic work. that will amaze you.

Remember that children also have a lot to teach us.

Even though we were children ourselves once, we have put on so many layers on our skin, our eyes and our body that we have lost our spontaneity of yesteryear.

We have mislaid that wisdom that is found in clear gazes and reckless hearts, which only want to conquer the world and go after their dreams.

The child who has two moons in his eyes


Do not miss any detail of these three characters. Every movement, every gesture and every expression contains a liturgy in which everything makes sense.

This short film confronts us with the initiation of a child into a job that his father and grandfather have been doing for decades.

It is normal for all parents to seek to transmit to their children their own habits, which allow them to appear wise in the eyes of their offspring.

However, it is the children who sometimes push us to review our own patterns.

In the short film that we are going to show you, the child arrives in a boat with his father and grandfather,  before this fantastic scenario takes place.

And as in any rite of passage when one reaches the age of reason, the child will receive his sweeper’s cap, identical to those worn by his predecessors. He is ready to learn the trade.

But what will happen from there? The task of sweeping away the stars which saturate the Moon every day, as simple as it may seem, brings its share of complications.

It is at this moment that everyday life drives out genius, that habit makes the father and grandfather lose their innocence.

It is precisely at this moment that the moon-eyed child advances towards his courageous destiny, to resolve a situation that the generations before him had never conceived in this way.

  • The child then reveals himself as a real “Little Prince”. He applies that lateral thinking, that creative reasoning that only an awake and innocent child can develop.
  • He moves away from family patterns to express his ingenuity, representing this new generation capable of following its own path, without rejecting the family heritage, but by demonstrating its own capacities.
  • While the adults discuss, the child acts. Because it is they, the children, who have the power to move away from formalism, the predictable and all these habits anchored in a family to break with ancestral patterns. To advance.

The importance of letting children choose their own path

This short film represents, as we told you in the title of this article, the importance of letting children choose their own path, have a voice and show us that we have a lot to learn from them if we allow it.

We must be able to open up to them. Education involves a great responsibility, but we must live it as something quiet, in which prejudices and fears have no place:

  • Children do not need to be controlled in every step they take, nor to be overprotected.
  • Our children need our attention, our tenderness and our confidence to be able to explore a world in which they feel loved. By having the confidence to move forward in complete safety and freedom.

Sooner or later our children are going to have the right to choose their own path, and we don’t need to draw one for them in advance. 

And even if they follow in our footsteps, like the child of the short film who continues the fabulous work carried out by his ancestors, he does not have to do it in exactly the same way.

Because his open heart and curious eyes will tell him what to do when these “ things so great ” fall from the sky.

Enjoy this short film and don’t forget to pay attention to the fabulous  Michael Giachinno soundtrack, which will leave you speechless and put intense emotion in your eyes.


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