This Short Film Will Make You Think About Love

This short film will make you think about love

What happens when love suddenly arises in our life? How do we manage our interests and passions?

Is it possible that they will disappear or will they be maintained? Which situation is preferable?

We all have a series of tastes, passions and preferences, which we forge throughout our lives.

Some prefer to listen to music, while others are more entertained by reading. There are also some who like to dance or go for a walk.

There is a whole world of possibilities open to us, so that we can do what we love most in life.

However, when love crosses our path, it is two separate worlds that feel the desire to be united, thanks to the force of attraction of that feeling.

What is the best way to make these two realities coexist? We will present to you a short film, in the rest of this article, which will make you think about this subject.

And suddenly, love arises

Perhaps the same thing happened to you as the main character that we are going to introduce to you.

You absolutely become a fan of something, whether it’s a sport or a hobby. You can’t go a day without indulging in it, even for a few minutes.

Your routine is marked, in a way, by something that you are passionate about and you cannot imagine your life without it.

Hen-and-pig-looking-at-each other

But, without warning, love enters your life without your having the time to realize it.

It completely alters your daily structure. At the center of your life is someone who has just broken all of your patterns to give you something new and wonderful that you can share: love.

Together you will be able to build a beautiful story filled with things to share, precious experiences and unparalleled moments.

Under the effect of desire and love, your daily life has become totally different from what you were used to.

You may not be spending so much time focusing on your passion anymore, or you may have put it aside altogether.

You are in love, and all of your thoughts are directed to one person, with whom you want to spend all of your time. Love has made you completely insensitive to everything else.

Love is made together, without ceasing to be one

It is certain that when we are in love we are altered because we see the other person in an idealized way and we dream of all the wonderful things that we are going to be able to experience together.

But, be very attentive to the clouds which can come to obscure this radiant horizon, because the fall can be extremely painful.


Not idealizing the person you love is almost impossible in the early stages of a relationship, but you should not maintain this state of consciousness for too long.

The day you realize that the other person is not as you thought, the frustration can be great and the disappointment painful.

Another thing to take into account is that love shouldn’t make us stop being the person we are deep inside.

In a relationship, we need to be genuine and transparent, despite our deepest fears.

Never stop being who you are because you fall in love with another person.

If you do, you will be committing a double betrayal: you will betray yourself by changing, and you will betray your loved one by showing them someone that you are not.

Showing yourself off in an ideal light is not a good idea to start building a relationship.

What makes us shine in love is our authenticity. It is the act of expressing what we feel, in a transparent way, through our eyes.

It is showing all the light that we have within us, but also our dark side.

This is the only way to be able to start a relationship on a healthy basis. The most important thing is to be true to ourselves so that the other person can discover us as we are.

In the short film that we are offering you, the main character does not seem to take into account the aspects that we have just listed for you, on the contrary: he leaves aside his passions to make his partner happy. And you, how far would you be willing to go for love?

Empathy is part of love

If we stop for a moment to reflect on love, perhaps we can reverse our take on the short and relate it to the power of empathy.

Empathy in a couple is a powerful ally that promotes relationships.

Empathizing with the person who shares our life allows us to understand their emotional world  and how they may feel at times.

This is a great indicator for knowing how to act and for finding a way to communicate with her.

Putting ourselves in our partner’s shoes will strengthen the bond we have with him, as in this short film, in which the hen is sensitive and sad when she discovers that her companion loves eggs, the same eggs from which came the one who allowed him to come into the world.

Without requirement, with a small gesture, he captures her feelings and decides to put an end to her behavior so as not to hurt her.

Relationships are complicated, but they are a source of immense happiness.

The important thing is to move forward in pairs, without one of the members ever losing their own identity, by being flexible and tolerant, understanding and not rigid.

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