There Is Only One Way To Kill Monsters: Accept Them

There is only one way to kill monsters: accept them

Sometimes it’s complicated to move past a feeling of guilt about something we’ve done, and it’s often inevitable to feel fear when faced with a situation that worries us.

It is probably not possible to eliminate negative emotions but it is possible to accept them and manage them to live with and so that they do not rule our life.


Identify emotions

We can all learn to identify and manage our emotions, but we can also identify the emotions of other people through emotional intelligence, through which we are able to determine how another person is feeling through their words, actions. or its expressions.

Charles Darwin showed that animals have a wide repertoire of emotions, which have a social function because they promote adaptation in those around them.

There are basic emotions and each of them has its function. Here they are :

The fear

It is the emotion we feel when faced with a danger, whether real or imagined. Fear prompts us to protect and save ourselves as a species.

The surprise

It is astonishment we feel when faced with an unexpected event, whether positive or negative. Surprise allows us to orient ourselves in the face of the new situation. 

The version

It is the disgust that something produces in us, causing our rejection to arise.


It is the feeling of irritability in the face of a situation that bothers us. Anger is a negative and destructive feeling. 


It is euphoria for something that makes us happy and gives us a feeling of security and well-being. This makes us want to repeat this situation which makes us feel good.


It is the feeling that something negative produces in us. Sadness leads us to overcome a situation and let go of our emotions.

Emotion management techniques

There are various techniques for controlling and managing negative emotions, which can be grouped into several types:

Immediate emotional control techniques

These are the ones we use to control our emotions just as they arise.

Usually they have to do with attention management. It is essential to listen to and express a negative emotion when we feel it.

Techniques for discovering the causes of our emotions 

It is a set of techniques that seek to understand what makes us react in a certain way.

It can be a lack of esteem, a misperception of the situation, fear etc.

Permanent emotional change techniques

The techniques of permanent emotional change offer an in-depth work on ourselves, which allows us to learn not to react as we do not want.

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How to accept monsters?

We cannot avoid feeling emotions, but we can learn to deal with them and accept them so that they do not hurt us.

We’ll give you some tips for managing your emotional intelligence and controlling monsters:

1- Don’t forget your virtues and your successes

We all have many flaws, but also many qualities that differentiate us and make us unique people.

It is common to say negative things about yourself: I suck too much! I always arrive late! etc.

However, we very rarely think about the qualities we have, all of these things we do, and our little daily successes.

2- Focus on something concrete

When a baby cries, the first thing we do is try to distract him so that he stops crying.

Don’t let your mind wander. If your spouse tells you that he is not sure about his relationship with you, don’t think about the fact that he is going to leave you, but think about the book you are reading.

3- Think about the near future

Sometimes negative emotions make us think about long-term consequences, but it’s best to think about the near future in order to be more realistic and to stay in control. 

4- Meditate often

Meditation has been shown to be effective in preventing negative thoughts when they occur but also in the long term.

Meditating and breathing properly can help decrease anxiety and other negative emotions. 

5- think about the worst thing that could happen to you

If you think about the worst that can happen to you, you will learn to put your problems in perspective and deal with your emotions.

Images by Goro Fujita, John Kenn

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