The Theory Of Small Victories To Rebuild Self-esteem

The theory of small victories to rebuild self-esteem

The Small Victory Theory tells us that life is always easier if we learn to simplify it. The larger and more insolvent problems will more easily be answered if we “disintegrate” them into more basic pieces.

So, nothing can be more purifying for self-esteem than accumulating small victories, daily triumphs with which to move forward. Anthropologists assert that the capacity for progress is natural to human beings. 

Technological, social and cultural advancement is almost unstoppable. It will not be long before we can count on new generations willing to explore new planets and to make a qualitative and quantitative leap in the world of medicine in order to eradicate diseases that are now chronic or fatal.

Motivation as a driving force for action

We can point out a central idea: these successes are very complex to achieve if we do not stimulate our motivation and our interest in achieving them. You have to believe in their possibility. Thus, we will give birth to men and women with confidence in their abilities, with a good personal concept and strong self-esteem. 

For example, the famous biologist James Watson, co-discoverer of the molecular structure of DNA, makes some remarks on education in his memoir. At school, no one explains how motivation works. No one teaches us to deal with periods of marked darkness and total personal loss either.

Dr. Watson and Francis Crick failed many times to decipher DNA. For many years, they even thought that their model would fail. This reasoning led them to believe that they were going to become the laughing stock of their profession.

However, they both decided to correct their mental and emotional approach and apply what we know today as the theory of small wins. There is nothing better than to move by step to gain security, confidence, certainty … And to achieve the triumph.

sparkling light bulb

The theory of small victories to improve the image we have of ourselves

We cannot require a child to run if he has not learned to walk first. You also cannot start building a house from the roof if the foundation has not been made.

Life requires calm, know-how and above all all that intelligence which knows how to feed on the most delicate patience. However on a daily basis, we do not have enough space for the caution of those who wish to go slower, those who prefer small attempts, those who prefer to count to 100 before taking a step.

The majority of us are actually in this extreme where everything looks beautiful. We have big dreams, high aspirations, and also big problems. Everything is beyond us, everything generally seems to escape our hands. So we come to think that we have no escape and that all our options have already been exhausted. This type of perception undermines our self-esteem and completely condemns our motivation for success.

In the world of psychology, a personality deserves our recognition for the contributions they have made to the field of human motivation. Teresa Amabile, Harvard professor and specialist in creativity, productivity and happiness at work, underlined all the benefits that the theory of small victories can provide us. To achieve big goals or solve the most complex problems, it is better to divide the trip into smaller stops. 


Small daily revolutions

Karl Weick is a famous social psychologist who is also an expert in the field of motivation. According to him, the majority of modern societies face its most serious problems inefficiently. We can for example cite unemployment, school failure or delinquency. Social systems and the political sphere usually invest large amounts of money in order to give rise to “big solutions”.

However, the big solutions usually go up in smoke. They appear with good intentions and disappear as they happened. The real key is found neither more nor less in the theory of small victories, in small daily revolutions. You have to detect what is not working, transform yourself into a skilled surgeon and patient capable of identifying the origin of the problem.

Thus, in countries like Norway or Finland; we know that the ideal is to create simple and modest plans at the local level. It is preferable to be close to citizens, to imagine accessible organizations that will gradually change mentalities.

the theory of small victories: motivation as the engine of action

Smaller goals to improve our self-esteem

It doesn’t matter how big the problem or the challenge looms on the horizon. By cutting it, dividing it into smaller pieces, we will make its dimensions much more manageable.

The small wins theory tells us that to maintain our emotional health we need daily wins. To achieve these daily victories, there is nothing better than setting simple daily goals for yourself.

Little by little, our self-esteem will improve and we will be able to initiate bigger changes. We will be able to take bigger and safer steps, our gaze will be raised in order to see the summit of our challenge approaching daily . We must therefore invest our efforts in the application of this simple and modest principle in order to be able to go beyond our limits.


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