The Pronoïa: Believing That The Universe Conspires In Your Favor

The pronoïa: believing that the universe conspires in your favor

It is a journey which distances itself from the pessimistic attitude and which creates this “good humor” which the defenders of this “positivism” show, with the wave of a magic wand. Much of this outlook gives rise to what is known as pronoia. This word refers to a state of consciousness that has practically turned into doctrine. This principle states that we must perform certain rituals of auto-suggestion to get the universe to “conspire” on our behalf.

The word pronoïa arises in opposition to the famous disorder known as “paranoia”. In the latter, delusional ideas appear: the people who suffer from it are convinced that the universe has joined forces against them to harm them. Therefore, any difficulty or obstacle is interpreted as the result of an invisible conspiracy, without there being any evidence of it. The source of this universal conspiracy would be a “higher power”, which can correspond to the demon, the Martians, etc.

There is a similar mechanism in the pronoia, although the object of the plot would be completely the opposite of the one just seen. In this case, there are “higher powers” ​​who are conspiring to make everything go wonderfully well for us. And although it may seem paradoxical,  one who assumes pronoia as a philosophy of life can also very quickly fall into paranoid states. Why ? Because the logic of these two mental conditions is the same.

The pronoia and the mentality of the new era

There is debate about one point: should pronoia be considered a mental disorder in its own right or is it only a symptom? Nobody agrees on this theme. On the other hand, there is one certainty: it is a biased view of reality.

young woman with double face

Currents of the “positive mindset” began to gain momentum in the 1980s. It happened as the doctrines of the “new age” spread around the world. Towards the end of the millennium, the idea that there would be a change of era which presupposed a new “positive” consciousness spread. To get on the bus of these new times, it was necessary to rely on objects and rituals that attracted the “good energies”.

Much of these ideas came from certain Eastern religions like Hinduism, but they were taken out of context and poured into Western thought without moderation, turning them into material questions and desires. Much has been said about the existence of the so-called “law of attraction”,  according to which, in order to achieve something, one would have to nurture the desire to achieve it, thus increasing the likelihood of that wish becoming reality. The nourishment of this desire is done, according to these currents, through rituals of auto-suggestion.

This was the basis for the appearance and consolidation of this symptom known as pronoia. If you want to own a home, you have to visualize it in your mind daily. You need to focus with all your might on this image and even start to furnish it. If you do it right, the universe will make sure that sooner or later it is yours.

A very profitable business

Ideologies that promote pronoia sell hope. This, in principle, could be commendable. But this is not the case. A whole market ended up being created around the “positive spirit”. In many cases, this only leads people down the wrong path and wastes their precious time. Not to mention the consequences of experiencing your reality from a biased point of view and bearing the brunt of the disappointments deriving from that attitude.

optimistic woman in full pronoïa

From an ethical and psychological standpoint, there is nothing commendable in making people believe that they can achieve their goals by “focusing” on them and “visualizing” them. By also using “energy attraction” practices. It is something  that takes away all value from work, effort and persistence. While many are in their pockets …

Any ideology that sells you heavenly things at low prices is suspect. Basically, these currents of thought promise you the impossible: an absence of difficulties or efforts. It is common to see that those who are overwhelmed in these pronoia promoting worlds tell you to avoid problems or keep your distance from those who have problems (in this case, problems are seen as illnesses. contagious). They only sell smoke and many, unfortunately, buy it.

The basis of these “positive” currents is nothing other than a careful mercantile strategy. These people know that many people around the world fear difficulties because they have not discovered that they can develop themselves and use the tools to face them. They nourish the hope of being in a universe with which one must enter into tune in order for desires to become reality. These people rip people off economically and most importantly, emotionally.


Images by Henrietta Harris


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