The Key To Change Is To Free Yourself From Fear

The key to change is to free yourself from fear

Be careful, fear is just a word. A word incapable of having the slightest effect on us. A distant idea that cannot reach us.

Fear is a terrible mood, feeling, emotion and sensation, capable of locking our hearts in inaction, suffering and pain.

Something that can paralyze us, and make us unhappy and lost in the future of life.

The enormous power of fear

Fear has enormous power over us. It shrinks us, robs us of sleep, makes us a worse person, invites us to betray, to hide the truth, and to believe that the end justifies the means.

It can lead us to act in such an unworthy way that fear itself takes fright when it sees its great capacity to awaken evil in human beings.


If you have a job that allows you to feed your own, then you are terribly afraid of losing it.

In fact, then you will be capable of anything to keep that job, and you will betray others if you have to.

Likewise those above you who can take advantage of the situation to play with you, with your feelings and your needs.

Fear is a tool of great power, which the foolish sometimes use to instill in human beings immobility, the lack of change, the haste to conform to what little one has, the fear of looking towards the future. before looking for a better future, the need to be happy in life …


“When suffering is more difficult than changing, you will change.”

-Robert Anthony-

When you lose everything you also lose fear

We have created a society where ownership, consumption, and ownership of something or someone dominates.

So we all have a lot to lose, because the fear that we are missing something is enormous, and the more we have, the greater it is.

Who does not own a job, a home, a family, a car…? Who is not afraid of losing everything over time, after all the effort it took to get there?

Who doesn’t own at least one thing, no matter how tiny that thing is? Who is not afraid of loss?

However, if you let go of everything that binds you, you will eventually lose your fear as well.

In fact, if you are able to let go of the very fear of someone taking something away from you, you will eventually be able to make that fear go away. Whoever has nothing to lose, has nothing to fear.


Because we load the sack of our life with experiences and materials, but rare are the times that we stop to consider the equipment we carry on our backs.

Still, if you think about it, there is a huge amount of stuff in your bag that, in reality, you don’t need at all.

However, it is obvious that having, the fact of owning something, helps us to feel a false security which in reality is not such.

And this effect prevents us from seeing that in order to change, to be happy, to evolve and advance on the path of life, we do not need such large and prominent equipment.

A popular saying goes that it is not the happier who has the most, but the one who needs the least.

If you think about it carefully, then you will realize that this simple sentence analyzes a great truth, because we live in a consumer society such that we constantly receive stimuli urging us to acquire products and goods that we do not want. however, does not really need.

Consumption consumes the will of many people, who find themselves locked in their world of possessions.

In these cases, always more numerous, the fear of loss appears quickly … and at the same time, the inability to change for fear of having nothing.


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the judgment that something is more important than fear.”

-Ambrose Redmoon-

Get rid of fear for a change

From the moment we become aware of the enormous fear that loss causes in us and that we are able to overcome it, we can then initiate a great change in this world which will lead us to value these goods which are in actually necessary for human beings.

Emotions such as love, friendship, kindness or solidarity are not frightening because they are sincere, intangible, and they belong to the heart.

Unlike fear, these emotions can change this planet, fill our soul, and allow us to feel the beauty of the world around us.

So don’t wait any longer and submit to the change. Let go of all those physical possessions that you don’t need.

Feel like a brave person, and love those who deserve it with all your soul and heart. Forget the fear and start being happy today.


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