The Destructive Power Of Underestimation

The destructive power of underestimation

Think about it for a moment. How many times have you been told “no” in your life?

Some have hurt you more than others, but if you are a courageous person, those refusals have only been additional walls to cross on your path to your destiny.

It is also possible that some people around you have underestimated you.

It is a very common practice, which arises from cookie-cutter judgments. Even though we all know it, these behaviors that many people adopt, hurt, and can eventually convince us that we are unable to achieve certain things.

In our daily lives, we have to face these value judgments made by others.

Sometimes it goes further, because we underestimate ourselves! And few things can be so destructive.

Humility and underestimation

Many of us have been educated in the healthy value of humility, which can be defined as: knowing how to appreciate the importance of simple things, to be grateful and not to dwell too much on our successes.

However,  this principle of education can be taken to extremes, and cause significant damage to self-esteem.

Some people think that humility is about glossing over their good qualities, being as simple as possible, and masking their egos in any way possible.

No wonder then to see many people whose talents and successes are hidden because of this value. They limit their personal development by underestimating themselves.

Thinking that one can do better than others is sometimes seen as the ostentatious and boastful manifestation of someone’s qualities.

If we reveal our dreams and desires aloud, we often have to face the limits that those around us want to place on us.

They judge that we are too proud because we claim to be able to reach heights which they think “disproportionate”.

But why should we give up on our goals? Humility is sometimes a misunderstood concept.

It is about knowing your own limits and realizing what we are worth and what we have, but also what goals we want to achieve. And no one has the right to put limits on us and cut off our wings.

If people aren’t listening to you, don’t talk to them. If they don’t believe in you, focus all of your energies on believing in you.

Acting in this way is not being contemptuous or proud, it is simply assuming to be a person of integrity with his own ideas.

The most common forms of underestimation

It is important to keep in mind the few tips we are going to give you, to identify the times in which you underestimate yourself.

You will certainly find that the behaviors we are about to tell you about are familiar to you. Take them into account and think about it:

– Prioritize your opinion over that of others

If you value what your family, friends and partner tell you more than what you think inside yourself, you are clearly indicating a personal underestimation, which you have to deal with.

Do not try to be perpetually complacent with those around you. Defend your values ​​and act in accordance with them.

– Do not compare yourself to others

You have a personality of your own. So leave what others are doing and what they have accomplished, outside of your personal sphere.

It does not matter and should not be used as a guide under any circumstances. You need to listen to yourself to know how to accomplish your dreams and build your self-esteem.

– Ask yourself: Who are the people around you? 

Stop for a moment to think about how you feel in your social environment. Are your loved ones supporting you? Are they listening to you?

Always make sure you develop healthy relationships that allow you to be yourself, that offer you a good quality of life and that promote your personal development.

– See yourself as the priority of your existence

Making yourself your first priority is not synonymous with selfishness. If you are not happy, you will not be of much help to others.

Frustration and dissatisfaction are dimensions that undermine our self-esteem and fill us with negative emotions. It clearly affects all of our relationships.

Value yourself as you deserve, avoiding underestimation at all costs. If you don’t start to mature, no one will help you.

Show off your strengths and talents, climb summits and touch the stars if that’s what you really want. No one should stop you.

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