The Best Age Is When You Stop Counting The Years And Make Your Dreams Come True

The best age is when you stop counting the years and make your dreams come true.

They say the years go by, like the smoke that escapes through an open window, drawing suggestive shapes in the air as it passes, until, little by little, they fade away.

However, human beings are neither smoke nor even wind; they are breath, they are sighs, they are the life they have lived, and the dreams that they set themselves to realize.

What do you think is the best age for humans? In reality, there is no specific age symbolizing the perfect balance, because what young people do not know, maturity notes, and what the mature sometimes covets, immature youth possesses.


The best age is when you stop counting the years and make your dreams come true. For that, you need a good dose of courage, a drop of daring, as well as to get rid of all those fears which, for too long, covered us with their shell.


Sometimes, we find in our shoes these stones that prevent us from being able to move forward on the path leading to our dreams:

“No, now is not the time”, “It doesn’t suit my companion”, “Anyway, they will reject me”, “Something tells me that even though I die of envy, I will not go out… ”

Some people are very good at chopping off our wings. Limiting thoughts, prejudices and insecurity are the most genuine of the “free radical” opportunities capable of aging us from within.

Accumulating youth is an art that we should all start to practice once the use of reason has mastered.

In the end, the goal in life is to know how to live as intensely as possible in the most total illusion and passion, it is to try to touch each of our dreams … And you … is this the attitude you are adopting?

The best age is in your heart


The best age is when we feel good with who we are, with what we have and with everything we have left to accomplish.

He who has no dreams is undead, for he who has no illusions does not offer magic to his heart and light to his thoughts.


The worst tragedy is not to grow old, not to see one more wrinkle on your face or one more kilo on your hips. The real sadness is a life not lived, it is that these wrinkles do not tell stories, that these hips have not wandered in a thousand different worlds …

And now tell us … How old is your heart? If he is full of plans and fights with strength and happiness for having already satisfied a small part of his desires, be sure that you are in your best age, and that no one will risk saying the opposite.

However, we know that it is not always easy to achieve what we call “personal dreams”.

There is always someone to make fun of ours, to tell us that these are not dreams but fantasies, and that fantasies are for children. However, ignore such comments.

Only children know the true value of life, for their gaze is full of curiosity, innocence and the desire to experiment. It is with maturity that barriers appear, as well as with many aspects that you must take into account:

  • The influence of others. Sometimes, members of your family, your companion, or more broadly people who are close and important to you, can take charge of removing all illusions from you, of cutting the threads of your desires … And since it comes from them, you allow it and you let it happen.
  • Limiting thoughts, those that we ourselves construct in our mind starting from ideas such as: “I am not capable”, “I am not worth anything”, “I am going to feel bad” , or even “there it is. Now is not the time, I would rather wait until I have achieved this or achieved that… ” But, that day will never come.
  • Lack of insurance: what if I was wrong? It’s clear that sometimes making a dream come true can mean stepping out of our comfort zone. However, never forget that true dreams are a few steps further than this limit… so it is well worth crossing it!

Some tips that can help you reach your best age in great shape

Don’t be afraid of getting old. What should really worry you is that you haven’t made all of your dreams come true ; because ultimately, people are made of this material that is so magical, fragile but at the same time motivating.


Close your eyes and inhale with all your might while convincing yourself that life is all about daring and passion, that all you have left to live is the best, and that starts here and now.


So what should you do to reach your best age in great shape? Take note of these simple tips:

  • Have fun: be yourself, always do what really excites you, what defines you and what makes your heart laugh .
  • Don’t Hurt Anyone: Live each day of your life as intensely as possible, but still be careful not to hurt anyone in the process, as well as protect yourself from things that can hurt you.
  • Do not accept defeats: never declare yourself defeated, never turn your back on a closed door. The trains will continue to pass for all those who will not give up and who will dare to try ten times.
  • Strive to be happy: we assure you that it costs nothing. Sometimes you just have to think about yourself a little more. ..

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