The 7 Best Quotes Of Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer’s quotes are the reason he has come to be one of the most relevant psychologists when it comes to self-help. With books such as “Your Erroneous Zones” he transformed very academic psychology into simple, accessible and practical reading so that each of us could be an agent of our own change and responsible for our own happiness.

There is no shortage of those who continue to criticize Dyer’s work. Being the best-selling author for a long time in the field of self-help provoked reactions among the more academicists who accused him more than once of simplifying many theories and psychological approaches. However, there is one very clear aspect to be borne in mind that Wayne Dyer was very familiar with.

It is not the same to write scientific papers for a university as it is for the general public. One of the biggest challenges of those who work daily in the field of psychological processes, in the field of the clinic or in the university classrooms, is to achieve to make clear (and useful) then accessible to everyone all these mysteries of human behavior.

Wayne Dyer was certainly the one who did it best. From his early years at St John’s University in New York, he understood the scope and value of cognitive-behavioral concepts, Abraham Maslow’s view on human motivation, as well as Viktor Frankl’s thoughts on human motivation. the meaning of life.

All these ideas gave shape to his first books. Later, he explored different spiritual aspects of the human experience with a clear goal: to help people understand themselves, to look at themselves and to start changing concepts, ideas and attitudes in order to better invest in themselves. his personal growth.

sunset landscape

Wayne Dyer’s Phrases for Thinking

Dyer was a psychologist, professor, one of the highest-selling motivational and personal growth writers, as well as one of the most successful orators of all time. He wrote many books, including 5 for children.

Today, and more than 2 years after his loss, his legacy is still very much alive and very present. These quotes from Wayne Dyer undoubtedly demonstrate to us the essence of wisdom that we should all apply on a daily basis.

1.Your attitude towards life

This is one of Wayne Dyer’s most representative quotes. Something he often said in his books is that “we are one thought away from changing our lives. Happiness although it surprises us is nothing more than an attitude towards life. Our personal black holes don’t matter, hardships don’t matter, neither do gray days… because if we are willing to overcome anything, outlook changes and reality becomes a little easier.

2.Selective attention

Let’s face it, how many times have we backed down from a dream because we didn’t have enough self-confidence? We often do this, we see more walls than open paths, and we ourselves set the traps at our feet. Let us free ourselves from this selective attention which sees only the difficult in order to expand the perspectives and also see the opportunities.

3. Don’t be your own enemy

This phrase is another very repeated quote in Wayne Dyer’s books. Here he reminded us that it will always be better to be hated for who we are than to be loved for what does not identify and define us.

In fact, there is no worse source of suffering than to distance ourselves from our own self, from our essences and from our personal trajectory where mind and heart meet.

believe in yourself

4. What matters is the present

It’s hard to believe it, but we all do it: we don’t give enough importance to the things around us, and as a result, we no longer take proper care of ourselves. We let life unfold by worrying about yesterday, positioning our anxieties in the future that still does not exist by ceasing to care for the wonderful that is right there in front of us.

Let us be responsible builders of our history, let us focus on the here and now in order to be architects of our happiness, recruiters of opportunity and experimenters of joy for the simple things.

5. Take risks

The unknown includes before our eyes a very large unexplored territory where all our fears develop. This is where the echo of the booming voice tells us that it is better not to venture out, that the ideal is to stay behind the barrier of the comfort zone where nothing new is happening but where in the end we are safe.

No one grows up in this small space where everything is easy, everything is known. There, we do not move forward and neither do we allow ourselves to be happy in a complete and restorative way. As Wayne Dyer reminded  us,We should never underestimate the power to change ourselves, because once we are confident in our abilities, we will be able to perform miracles. 

6. Control your interior, focus

This quote is one of Wayne Dyer’s sentences in which we find this attraction for the spiritual world which, far from challenging or restricting psychological value, intensifies it. In his work there was something that he always stood for: the fact that we had the right resources to experience complete peace, but sometimes we filled our minds with excessive noise, the rumor of negative thoughts, exhausting attitudes …

All our power is there, in our mind, on the other hand we must learn to calm it, to control it. For this, we must be able to connect with our interior and satisfy it, listen to it, take care of it, bring it peace …

inner peace

7. Learn to see the best of people

Those who start from a lack of confidence and see only the faults in others, as well as punishable acts, errors, manias and negative behaviors to criticize daily undoubtedly have a long way to go in the adventure of personal growth. . The reason ? Those who only identify flaws have deficiencies and shortcomings within them that harbor a dangerous ego in addition to low and dangerous self-esteem.

Those who are in tune with themselves are not obsessed with foreign flaws. In addition, the obsession with ”  there is no one to save, everyone is selfish and reckless  ” will only bring us misfortune and suffering. On the other hand, being able to see the light in the hearts of others will bring us hope and well-being.

To conclude, these quotes from Wayne Dyer are a very small example of everything he taught us through his unforgettable books. It should be said that he was one of the most insightful psychologists at the time of imparting the most useful and sensational psychological subjects in order to give a healthier and more satisfying form of life. He never lacked a guiding principle in all his work, that of love and kindness.


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