The 5 “never ” Of Steve Jobs

The co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, left us a multitude of sentences which demonstrate his enormous desire to surpass himself, in addition to his technical knowledge, his perseverance and his great creativity.

He left us with his 5 “nevers” that are important to remember every day, to strive to be ourselves, to surpass ourselves and to be who we really want to be.

Never give up

Achieving a dream is not easy, and it takes a lot of effort, a lot of willpower, and a huge amount of self-confidence.

On the way to our dreams, we will encounter a thousand difficulties, which will demoralize us and make us think that we cannot continue.

However, it is always possible to continue, and there is always a way or another way to achieve your dreams.

It is essential to put aside your fears because it is normal to be afraid in the face of uncertainty, but it is not to let yourself be paralyzed by fear.

Do what scares you first, don’t save it for last, and the rest will be much easier.

Never fake

Simplicity and transparency must accompany us throughout life. Our thoughts and feelings should be expressed sincerely and without offending others. Thus, we will have bonds with people who will bring us value and happiness.

If we live in appearance, the people around us will never know who we really are, and our relationships with others will never be entirely true.

Show your respect to the people you love, let them protect you when you go wrong, and celebrate your successes with them. 

Never stand still

No dream will come and pick you up from the door of your house. You will have to go outside to find what you want. Move your body and mind with regular activity.

No matter how old you are, it is always possible to find things to do. It is quite simply a question of getting out of this “comfort zone” and of developing all our professional and personal capacities.

Play sports, read, travel, take a walk, go to the movies or the theater, ride a bike, write, take a class you like, paint, take pictures, cook, draw, sing and dance.

Express every second of your existence, live the “here and now”, and never stand still.

Learn something new every day and never stop running your mind. Play sports every day, never stop moving your body.

Never hold on to the past

The past is something we cannot change. We can only change our future.

We’ve all made mistakes in our lives, but we simply learn from them and leave them behind to try not to make them again.

If we cling to the past, we will not be able to move forward. 

Our memories are a part of our life, but we cannot allow them to be obstacles in our life or use them as excuses not to move forward and not to strive for our dreams.

Never stop dreaming

Throughout our life, we must maintain a dream that prompts us to wake up every morning with joy and that draws a smile on our face.

It must be something that moves us to the depths of our being, that motivates us, that makes us vibrate and that fills us.

Have confidence in yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses, know your passions and fight for what you love, for your dream.

Difficulties should not be a cause for discouragement but a reason to strive with all the more perseverance on the path to your dreams.

Do you remember the dreams you had when you were children?

Find all these dreams, this curiosity, this different way of seeing things. Smile, kiss, hug, enjoy the people you love.

Never lose your dreams because of novelty, what is around you, the path life takes, or the little things you encounter on your way.

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