Robin Sharma’s 11 Best Phrases To Improve Your Life

Robin Sharma's 11 best phrases to improve your life

Robin Sharma’s quotes speak of leadership, awareness, personal growth and achievement. They are a gift for anyone who wants to keep moving forward in life, for anyone who wants to fight to achieve their dreams.

Robin Sharma is a writer and recognized expert in the fields of leadership and personal growth. He graduated in law from the University of Dalhouise. He was a professor of this discipline for a few years then became a lecturer. Today he travels to different countries of the world to promote personal development through the message “The leader without a title”, one of his best known and most successful phrases.

Sharma has worked for Microsoft, Nike, IBM as well as institutions such as NASA, Yale University or Harvard Business School. Those who know him describe him as a mass inspirer. An expert in extracting the potential that we have within us and in converting problems into opportunities.

His book  The monk who sold his ferrari  has been published  in more than 50 countries and 70 different languages. It is a spiritual fable that teaches a new way of approaching personal, family and professional life. Sharma shows through her the importance of a life course filled with passion, inner harmony and clear direction.

Here is a selection of Robin Sharma’s best quotes. We hope you enjoy them and, of course, inspire you.

Robin Sharma quotes

The uselessness of intention without action

Knowing what to do, knowing what are the next steps to take, and even having a mentally crafted strategy of how to act is of no value if not executed. What is the use of practice without theory to grow daily?

Knowing how to regulate emotions is not enough to deal with conflict, just like knowing what to do to lead a healthy life if we don’t. It is often not even enough to know the theory to do our job well. Theory and practice must go hand in hand if we are to move forward. 

Action as a priority

An act will always have more value than words, more value than any intention. Indeed, the act involves not only the gesture itself but also the gift of the other’s time. Thought materializes in action. It becomes reality. It demonstrates the genuine interest in the other or in oneself. 

There’s no point in intending to study if we don’t. It is also not appropriate to do things at the last minute if we have finally chosen procrastination as a companion to our routine …  Acting is the verb that prompts us to move forward, to walk.

Daily consistency as a driver of results

As we see,  Robin Sharma’s phrases prompt us to persevere, to strive. They praise persistence as the vehicle of our dreams. For this expert in personal growth, short-term goals, immediate gratification or ease are not what matters. The important thing is the daily seed growth. The ones we cultivate and water through our sacrifice, our work and our commitment.

Good results are therefore not the result of fate, luck or chance. They are the result of the confluence of everything we invest in the pursuit of our goals and objectives.

Robin Sharma quotes

The importance of investing in yourself

Being our Plan A should be our priority. Choosing ourselves above all else, ensuring our well-being and what we want to be and what we want to accomplish. Here is the philosophy that emanates from the sentences of Robin Sharma.

And there is nothing like paying attention to yourself. To learn to deal with the difficult emotions that we may be experiencing and to do a self-assessment every now and then to  see how we are and where we are going.

The teacher as a past

The past is an excellent teacher, an irreplaceable mentor. Thanks to him, we can teach him to do things differently. It also teaches us to focus on what helps us reach our full potential.

However, staying frozen in our memories in order to comfort ourselves is not the best option. We have to use it to propel us, to keep growing.

Apologies as allies of fear

An apology is nothing more than fear in disguise. The perfect obstacle to limit ourselves when fear threatens us in the search for ourselves. This is because the more excuses we have, the more we should think about what we fear in this particular situation.

We must face excuses with courage, with that strength that grows in  us and helps us to face fear.

Failure results in not trying

Failure means resigning yourself without having first explored the possible alternatives. It is not about being brave, but cowardly. It is letting oneself be intimidated by uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Give up hope and reduce the possibilities to one thing: defeat.

Contrary to what we may think, to fail is to do nothing and surrender to stillness. So we consider as courageous those who try despite their fears. Those who struggle, driven by the desire to move forward.

Robin Sharma quotes

The power of the conversations we fear

This is one of Robin Sharma’s phrases that we should keep in mind the most if we are to break down obstacles and especially if we do not want to deceive ourselves. What are we afraid to discuss? What subjects are we most afraid of? Why do we prefer silence rather than words?

There are issues that shape our vulnerabilities,  bring out our weaknesses, and terrify us. This is not because of the content but in view of the consequences that flow from it. They nevertheless cover a lot of information about ourselves. They will facilitate our personal growth if we learn to read this.

The duality of the mind: master and slave

We are the masters and slaves of our thoughts. There is no doubt about this. A belief can give us the courage to steal or lock ourselves in to limit ourselves. The key is to find out.

Our expectations are very often the culprits of our resignation. Those “what if…”, “but” and “maybe” that love to play with us so much… Therefore, being aware of this can save us. This can be the way out of the web that our mind is likely to weave.

Uncertainty as an opportunity

Uncertainty is therefore this great unknown. The enemy of many and the ally of others. But she is certainly the one who hides the wonderful adventure of not knowing what we will encounter when we walk through her door. Getting out  of our routine, of daily stagnation sometimes becomes a springboard towards our dreams. 

Robin Sharma quotes

As we can see,  Robin Sharma’s quotes are a precious gift. They are full of lucidity, but also of that bittersweet point capable of making us uncomfortable. To make us react one way or another. These are reflections leaving a trail and somehow sliding through us to stir and remind us of the power of our mental vision.

We leave you with one of Robin Sharma’s quotes worth reading every day. Its content is of great value:

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