Osho’s 10 Best Thinking Phrases

Osho's 10 best phrases for thinking

Osho’s phrases speak of love, awareness and personal development. They are a gift for all those who want to think, question themselves and go beyond things.

Osho was a spiritual philosopher, an Indian guru and a great orator. He has spent much of his life delivering speeches across India. He also spent some time in the United States, where he founded a community known as Rajneeshpuram. However, some of his actions sparked strong criticism and controversy.

Those who knew him define him as a revolutionary. A person capable of facing the deepest beliefs in their society. Thanks to his charisma and his ease of expressing himself, he was able to bring together thousands of followers and convey to them his vision on life and death.

He has written a large number of spiritual books,  including The Book of Secrets, Love, Freedom and Loneliness: A New View of Relationships and Enlightenment: The One Revolution. Osho has undoubtedly left a great legacy that we can pass on to you today through some of his best phrases.


Love is appreciation

To love is to give wings. Not fix chains. Here is the concept of love according to Osho. If we limit the person we live with, if we demand that they change, it won’t be love. She will lose all of her essence and turn into someone else. This is why it is important to respect the other and to let him be.

To mature is to accept the responsibility of being yourself

It’s a phrase from Osho that we should take into account every day. Being the person others want to see doesn’t mean maturing but pleasing others, seeking approval, and ultimately betraying ourselves.

The mature person accepts and, above all, takes responsibility at all levels. She does not play the role of victim but that of protagonist; for that, it acts accordingly. She doesn’t wait for things to happen, she takes a path to build a destiny. She is also aware of her mistakes; on the contrary, she sees them as a learning opportunity.

hand with a heart

Pleasure as a priority in Osho’s sentences

Osho considers pleasure to be fundamental to having a full life. But he does not speak of a superficial and material pleasure, but of a pleasure which comes from within, from the consciousness. A feeling that only allows us to appreciate the small details and miracles that surround us on a daily basis.

He also relies on change to deal with apathy and suffering. It pushes us to step out of our comfort zone to find our place in the world and be fulfilled.

We are unique

Here is another sentence that deserves to be engraved in our minds. Think of it as the start of a reflection. We are not superior, inferior, or equal. We are a limited edition. This is why the comparisons are often not fair… quite simply because we are not on an equal footing.

To live by taking as a point of reference what others are doing or what we think they would do is wrong. The objective is very different,  it is a question of exploiting all our potential by taking into account our profile of capacities; a task for which it is essential to connect with ourselves and offer the best we have to others.

woman in front of a mirror

The art of unlearning

This spiritual philosopher urges us to unlearn,  to destroy the old walls that limit us and to replace them with new,  more flexible ones that will give us space when we need it.

Osho is committed to freedom from guilt. It presents problems and errors as being free from demands and condemnations. Through his words, he tells us that  we are not mistaken: it is our way of thinking and looking at what is happening to us, outside and inside us, that is wrong. And, for that, there is only one solution: to seek another perspective… another angle, another point of view.

The importance of looking inward

Osho reminds us, beyond breaking patterns, facing what scares us, or taking risks, that  the greatest value lies in our ability to look within.

Having the courage to uncover fears, fill in gaps or heal broken parts of ourselves is fundamental if we are to continue to grow. We still have to be careful because we can also retrocede and be trapped. The best way to look inside is to do so with responsibility, acceptance, and respect.

woman surrounded by butterflies

The importance of the present moment

The present moment is a central theme in Osho’s sentences. In fact, it is camouflaged in most of them. The power of the present and the awareness of the “now” give us the chance to experience everything intensely.

If we hold onto the past or cling to expectations, life disappears without us realizing it. Being happy has nothing to do with yesterday or tomorrow. Being happy is all about today,  and it seems like we’ve gotten into the bad habit of forgetting about it.

Live without fear

Fear limits, paralyzes, traps and reduces. It steals our life from us. We have to be courageous and face what frightens us. Otherwise, we’ll get stuck with “what if…”, “but…” and other expectations.

Let’s go beyond the fear, dare to cross the line and see what happens. Often we imagine a scenario much more catastrophic than the one that actually occurs …

woman and balls

Enjoy our company

This phrase from Osho invites us to reflect and see the importance of personal love, not only for ourselves but for all of our relationships.

Do you really think that if you see yourself as an unpleasant, weak, and worthless person, others will enjoy your company? We only really offer what we feel and believe in the depths of our being. So,  if we want a healthy and trusting relationship, we must first believe in ourselves.

As we see,  Osho’s phrases are a treasured legacy, both because of what they say and what they inspire. They can be the thread that sparks a thought or the first drop of water that triggers a reaction. These are words that we can use if we want to question ourselves and get to know ourselves truly, so that we can then know others.


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