Learn To Believe In Yourself In 7 Steps

Learn to Believe in Yourself in 7 Steps

Believing in ourselves is what we lack to start on the path of what will lead us to what we desire.

There is no greater security or greater level of confidence than that which one brings to oneself. If you don’t pass this step, if you don’t trust, you have nothing more to do.

There are people who believe that if we do not hire them, we do not listen to them, we do not applaud them or we do not trust them, it is because they are ashamed or that at the moment in truth, the fear of appearing in public invades them.

But this is not true. It is the lack of self-confidence that causes this fear, this revenge.

If you don’t believe in yourself, don’t wait for someone to do it. If you believe in yourself, then you can give others something that you believe in.

You need to believe in yourself

Self-confidence is vital. Think about how many things you left out because you thought you couldn’t.

You haven’t even tried and missed opportunities. And moreover, you doubt, you feel skin and you have complexes. And that makes you suffer instead of living.

This is why you need to believe in yourself. Because even if others do, it won’t do any good until you do it for yourself.

There is no point in others telling you what you are worth if you don’t believe it yourself first.

And for that you have to think about yourself and discover yourself. You keep so many unsuspected things in you.


Good news ! It is never too late to take the good paths of life.

It is a complex learning process, but learning to believe in yourself is possible.

In this article, we offer you some simple strategies which will help you in your task, which will make you believe in yourself, and which will give you security and confidence. Thanks to them, you will discover all that you have hidden within you.

1 – Be aware that self-confidence can be learned

If you don’t realize that you can learn to trust yourself, you won’t. It is the same as when learning a language.

Would you start learning Chinese if you were sure you would never get there? If you start to learn something, it’s because you think you can do it.

If you don’t trust you won’t get anything. If you believe in yourself, maybe you won’t get it either, but at least you will have tried and learned things from that experience.

Self-confidence can be learned, never forget it. With a lot of effort and training you will be able to achieve it, you just have to try it.

Remember that he who does not risk himself wins nothing and there is nothing stronger and more beautiful than risking to grow for himself.

2 – Confront your inner self

We all have an inner voice that reminds us of our limits, our fears, that reproduces all the criticisms that we store in childhood and adolescence.

Confront this inner self-criticism and reaffirm yourself! Remember that it is you who decide, and not this voice that has accumulated so many toxic experiences!

Our inner criticism can be very harsh as it induces guilt, but you can also face it and be courageous, remembering that it is nothing more than a repetition of messages from your childhood. Confront her and soften the inner voice that carries you.

3 – transform your weaknesses into fortresses

Turning a fragility into a fortress requires a certain degree of creativity, but it is possible. And even, if you turn your weaknesses into strongholds, you might even find yourself facing an incredible opportunity.

Remember every mistake, every difficulty and every obstacle that came your way: they can become great engines of opportunity and lifelong learning.


4 – Discover your true potential

One of the reasons that a lot of people don’t believe in them is because they haven’t been able to explore their worries and develop their passions, or they have done so without receiving the support or the approval of others.

Let go of this limitation and explore your talents. Find out where your true power lies.

Embark on the adventure of all that you always wanted and didn’t do. Start the idea that one day has only become a sketch or apply the plan that you have always dreamed of, but never succeeded in developing.

Discover your qualities, your talents, your enlightenment and start cultivating them. 

5 – Become your own coach

You don’t need anyone to cheer you on, or to remind you that, yes you can.

A little help is never too much, but you must learn to be self-reliant and emotionally independent. Whatever you need to hear, you can say to yourself in front of the mirror.

Instead of verbally abusing yourself, start treating yourself with kindness and kindness. Love yourself and motivate yourself.

Send yourself positive, upbeat messages, which serve as reinforcements because there is nothing better than knowing how to talk to yourself. Forget contempt and reproach. Master yourself and develop your power.

6 – In your mind, become the superhero you want to be

Super-heroes, super-stars, super-successes… it’s all good to take. Imagine that you are what you want to become, that you have achieved your goals, that you don’t have all of those limitations that are preventing you from achieving your dreams.

Visualize yourself in a superhero costume and you will be a superhero because you will be doing it. You just have to believe it.

Your attitude will change others and protect you from your criticism. You will live with dreams, with a goal, and you will set in motion a rhythm.

But  remember that your superhero costume is not a disguise, but a second skin. Make her yours, feel that she belongs to you and identify with her.

7 – develop your power

Create a powerful view of yourself. Have confidence in yourself and in your abilities. True self-confidence comes from developing a positive and powerful view of yourself.

Sit down, close your eyes and feel your inner power, that fire that fills you with energy and enables you to achieve your goals.

Images of Sonia Koch, Claudia Tremblay

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