Learn From The Fall, Let Go Of Your Sorrows

Learn from the fall, let go of your sorrows

In autumn, you feel overwhelmed by sadness, the darkness of the night, nostalgia, the cold …

We see summer moving away, and it seems that our life is all about working, eating and sleeping.

Now, we can learn from autumn; just as he drops the leaves, so can we drop our sorrows.

Sadness is one of the most pervasive emotions, because when we are sad, we think a lot about our problems.

This is why we must be careful that sadness does not take hold of us, that nostalgia does not invade us and that it remains there, permanent, stagnant …

“Every life has its sad or happy days. Happiness is those we choose to remember. ”


7 tips for letting go of sentences

Overcoming the penalties and letting them go is possible; we just need to want to get there, to change our way of seeing things in order to find a smile again.

It is not easy, our success will depend on us and on the courage that we will be able to show.

Read the rest of this article, and you will discover 7 tips that, if you follow them, will allow you to let go of your sorrows and overcome them.

Cry when you need it

Sometimes, out of shame or in order not to worry others, we don’t allow ourselves to cry. Yet we must let our tears flow when they struggle to come out.

When we cry, we let go of our sorrows, which disappear in the form of little salty memories. Cry if you need to.

Sometimes you can’t choose the place or the people you are with; crying sometimes gets out of hand, and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Crying has been shown to generate endorphins because our bodies relax and we feel better.

So let your tears flow and release the pressure by always crying when you feel the need to… Don’t be afraid.


Play sports

Activate yourself, do a physical activity that you like, it will make you feel better, give you energy and want to continue, will strengthen your self-esteem and your desires to live and enjoy.

Exercising releases endorphins and other chemicals that will improve your mood.

You can practice a sport that you like progressively, each week a little longer, to achieve an hour of sport per day.


Try to smile even if you feel bad. It is not always easy because there may be times when we do not want to smile, but it is necessary to try to overcome our pain in order to smile again and improve our mood.

Give a smile to a kid watching you, that waiter who serves you every day, your friends, your mate, whatever, but smile, convey your joy.


“Joy is full of loneliness, misery, suffering, sadness, and yet it always ends too quickly.”

-Woody Allen


Accept your feelings

Accepting feelings such as hatred, grief, frustration, or sadness can help us see life with a hopeful eye.

You can’t deny negative feelings; on the other hand, we can stop apologizing because we feel bad and stop repressing what we feel, in order to accept our emotions and our feelings.

Learn to meditate

Meditating can help us accept pain without judging it, without judging ourselves.

It has been proven that the practice of meditation can change the way the brain behaves in the face of sadness.

One widely used meditation technique is called mindfulness, or full attention.

It’s about living in the present moment to enjoy the here and now, without judging. It is enough to practice meditation 15 minutes a day to improve our mood.


Understand the phases of the sentence

Almost all punishment has five phases: denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance.

But not everyone manages these phases in the same order, or in any case, the pain is gradual, and over time, it becomes less intense.

No one has the right to tell you how you should feel; you will just be able to identify the way you are feeling and deal with those feelings.

Don’t feel guilty for the way you are dealing with your sentence.

The phases of the sentence can get mixed up, and it is also possible that certain phases do not appear in your case.

Each person experiences grief in a different and unique way.

Seek help from friends and family

Help from our friends and family is essential when we are sad, because they know us well and love us.

They will support us and help us overcome our mood. It is important to feel protected by the people who show their love to us and who want the best for us.

T inding someone who listens to you will help you feel the pain wears off, it is lighter.


“Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, because you never know who can fall in love with your smile.”

-Gabriel Garcia Marquez-

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