Lack Of Vitamin B12, And The Impact It Can Have On Our Brain

The lack of vitamin B12, and the impact it can have on our brain

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is essential for the health of our brain. However, part of the population suffers from a lack of this nutrient; as a result, slowly but gradually there are problems with concentration, mood swings, etc. Thus, this vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of many vital processes.

To take care of our health, especially through the diet, there are indicators, such as the levels of iron, potassium, phosphorus or vitamin C, which many people pay attention to. However, most of us have hardly heard of this soluble nutrient essential for the proper functioning of the brain, the nervous system, for the formation of blood and for the synthesis of certain types of proteins.

The big problem with vitamin B12 is that as we get older its levels drop because our digestive system weakens and doesn’t synthesize it in the right way. Thus, not taking adequate care of our diet, by consuming too little or never certain foods such as meat, and this without ingesting in another way the nutrients they provide us, gradually causes the cobalamin to alter. many basic processes, both physical and psychological.

Curiously, one of the diagnostic tests that many psychiatrists ask for before treating their patients is that of vitamin B12. They know well that when the blood of the latter is poor in vitamin B12, can appear different mental alterations.

woman consuming vitamin B12

It is interesting to know first of all that vitamin B12 is the most complex of all the vitamins. It is basic for our development, and also essential to arrive at advanced ages in good physical and above all, mental state. However, not so long ago, the lack of this vitamin was associated exclusively with a type of anemia, that in which the red blood cells are larger than normal and where patients suffer from severe cramps. in the hands and legs.

However, a deficiency of this component measures (but does not determine) the onset of anxiety disorders and depression. We could therefore say that vitamin B12 acts as a brain protector, and lacking it can promote the appearance of the following problems:

  • A deficiency of vitamin B12 in pregnant women endangers the proper development of the fetus.
  • Vitamin B12 promotes the formation of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. A lack of this vitamin can lead to us feeling listless, nervous and cranky.
  • This vitamin optimizes the function of neurons. Therefore, if our vitamin B12 levels are too low, for a time we are at a greater risk of suffering from dementias such as Alzheimer’s (let’s remember that there is a correlation but not direct causation).
  • We know that people with schizophrenia and autism generally have low levels of vitamin B12.
  • A lack of this nutrient leads to lack of energy, lack of concentration, memory loss, etc.

Before considering or affirming that one suffers from a lack of vitamin B12, it is best to consult a doctor or a good nutritionist. They will be the ones who will tell us, based on our symptoms and diagnostic analyzes, whether or not we need to use vitamin supplements.

So, whatever the case, the best thing you can do is take care of your diet. However, it is known that from the age of 50, vitamin B12 levels drop. Therefore, it is good to know it so that you can talk about it with a specialist and follow a proper medical and food strategy.

Now let’s see what advice we can apply in our daily life so as not to suffer from a lack of vitamin B12.


Let’s see some ideas that can help us increase our vitamin B12 levels:

  • Do not consume more than 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day
  • Consume more foods rich in vitamin B12 such as:
    • Oysters
    • Clams
    • Octopus
    • The salmon
    • Herring
    • Whole grains
    • The tuna
    • Cod
    • Lobsters
    • Cheese
    • Eggs
  • Antacids and stomach protectors generally destroy vitamin B12.
  • The appearance of intestinal parasites complicates the absorption of this vitamin. It costs nothing to see a doctor and take treatment.
  • We can also test for Helicobacer Pyroli bacteria. Its presence is dangerous for our health in many cases.

To conclude, we can say that it is not very complicated or expensive to take care of our vitamin B12 levels. It is enough to follow a varied and balanced diet, but also to take care of our digestive and intestinal health so that our organism does not degrade this vitamin, and can by itself carry out its precious vital functions.


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