I Looked My Own Monsters In The Eye

I looked my own monsters in the eye

I looked my own monsters in the eye and found out what fear was. This fear that paralyzes you, that arises from within and embraces you with such a force that it prevents all your attempts to breathe. This state of making you feel like your feet are glued to the ground and therefore not letting you go forward.

Remember that when you realize what you really fear, that is when you become the most vulnerable. But this vulnerability also shines a light on your strengths as you find out what you really want.

That’s why I looked my own monsters in the eye, to arm myself with courage in the face of my fears. The goal was to prevent everything I had accumulated – failure, loneliness, uncertainty, rejection – from dominating my steps, making them the pillars on which to build a secure foundation. for my world.

I looked my own monsters in the eye

I looked my own monsters in the eye and discovered myself

We are used to running away and playing strong. As if camouflaging reality behind a smile made it possible to eliminate the monsters that torment us so much in life. But by behaving this way, by trying to run away from what we fear rather than face it, we are only fueling our fears.

Those fears that in the shadows become the lump in my throat making our voice tremble, turn into tears that can’t stop flowing, even though we think there is no reason for it, or into involuntary tremors and almost imperceptible to our hands when we hold what matters to us. Because  our monsters grow up and fight in the dark in order to control our own life.

That’s why, looking my own monsters in the eye, I got to know myself and discovered my doubts. So I found out that we all have more or less the same monsters, and the fear of uncertainty, resulting from not being in control, is their captain. Therefore, rather than fueling my uncertainty with anything that could fail or cause me to fall, I decided to rise from my ashes and fly realizing that within my possibilities was that of doing something. of really good, desired and appreciated.

my own monsters

I looked my own monsters in the eye and rose from my ashes

This is how I was able to look my own monsters in the eye and rise from my ashes. I was now the one in control of everything I felt, but coming to terms with the fact that I couldn’t control what was going on. I have learned that life is a succession of uncontrollable events, sometimes sad and other times that make you smile, most of which are impossible to predict.

This is how you learn that fear is often nothing more or nothing less than your interpretation of what you are going through that you cannot control. Once you learn this, you leave some space for that part of you that wants to let go. You begin to experience what needs to be experienced and enjoy what is good, without letting the bad experiences that have taken place or those to come feed your inner monsters.

I know now that I don’t have to be perfect and live a fairytale life. I also know that I must not give up or let myself be controlled by my fears for anything in which I fail or will fail. I just learned that I can be happy without being perfect, and that’s why I choose to be happy every moment.

I am more and more human, less and less perfect and more and more happy
Our thoughts Our thoughts

I am more and more human, less and less perfect and yet, happier. I have become my own medicine.

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