I Fell In Love With A Narcissistic Person

I fell in love with a narcissistic person


For some inexplicable reason, we are particularly drawn to stubborn people with well-defined ideas. For many, narcissistic people are very attractive, despite the fact that they are not good company.

Did you fall in love with any of these people? Read this article to be sure.

Narcissists are unable to accept their mistakes

A narcissist has a hard time accepting that he or she made a mistake. She will always make you feel that it is you who are at fault. Even if this person loves you very much, you will still end up feeling guilty.

Irrepressible jealousy 

A narcissist is envious of everything they can’t have. Even the smallest detail will make your other half mad when they see you with someone else.

These people cannot accept that you may have other interests and that other people are important in your life. Their jealousy will put your relationship at risk.


These people are leading your conversations all the time

A conversation, just like a relationship, is knowing how to give and receive. Does your other half give you the opportunity to express your ideas? Or do only hers matter?

There is nothing more enjoyable for a narcissist than hearing their own voice. The problem is not that you don’t speak, but that you can never express yourself.

They think they are above everyone

We often associate narcissism with the notion of beauty. This doesn’t mean that being in love with a beautiful person means that you love a narcissistic person.

Indeed,  a narcissist can have a much more advantageous image of him than he should be.

Narcissists want to convey an image of perfection and security, while inside they have very low self-esteem.

The narcissist thinks he’s smarter than others

Is your other half letting you understand that everything you say is wrong? Whenever you argue, does she make you feel that your opinions are worthless?

If so, know that you are with a narcissist.

No matter how hard you think or how hard you try to prove to your other half that they are wrong,  your relationship will be very destructive because you will always be belittled.

A narcissist is unable to show gratitude

No matter the attention, she always thinks she deserved it and that nothing is ever too much for her. Don’t count on her thanking you for what you have done for her.

It will make you feel that whatever you are doing is insufficient. Gradually you will lose energy and your relationship will become a terrible burden.

If you accept this situation, you will end up miserable and realize how much time you have wasted.


His honesty is brutal


Honesty is essential for building a healthy relationship, because lies and betrayals indicate that something is wrong.

The problem arises if your other half says things to you in a blunt way and they like to hurt you. Do you think this is healthy?

He always reminds you of your mistakes and never mentions your successes

A narcissist will never praise you when you’ve done something right. On the other hand, you can be sure that each of your mistakes will be amplified and that the criticisms will always come.

The smallest errors will be severely distorted. If the person you love only reminds you of the bad, you’ll never be satisfied.

The narcissist doesn’t change

If you recognize your other half in a point or two, don’t be alarmed. However, if all of these characteristics correspond to him, it is obvious that he is a narcissist.

Most people have the capacity to change if they want to. However, a narcissistic person will never change, because according to them, they are perfect.

If something is wrong and you want to talk to her about it, she will let you know that you are the problem.

Do  not expect this person to change for you, because they will not change for anyone …

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