How Can I Help My Child Who Is Suffering From Depression?

How can I help my child who is suffering from depression?

Children can suffer from depression, just like adults. But the fact that our little ones, in a perfectly normal way, tell us or show us that they feel sad, unhappy, irritated or demotivated for a little while is very different from depression disorder. You have to know the difference between the expression of negative emotions and the presence of a pathology.

Thus, when negative emotions remain in the life of the little one, gradually flooding him and interfering in all areas, such as in his performance at school or in his family life, this may indicate that he is suffering from this. trouble. Can we, as parents, do something to help them in this situation? Yes. Read on and find out how!

“One of the most beautiful things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood.”

-Agatha Christie-

How do I know if my child is suffering from depression?

Before we can find a solution,  we need to know if our child really suffers from this problem. For this, we can pay attention to a series of signals that may indicate that he is suffering from depression. But we must keep in mind that we will also have to benefit from the diagnosis of a professional.

The signs that we need to take into account are: irritable or depressed mood, behavior or discipline problems, loss of interest or pleasure, low self-esteem, social isolation, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, feelings that make him say that he is worth nothing, despair.

There are also other alarming signals: changes in appetite, frequent crying attacks, sleep disturbances (both lack and excess), physical pain, fatigue, weight gain or loss,  targeting behaviors. self-harm, inappropriate growth and weight for the child’s age , and finally speaking or attempting to commit suicide.

It must be said that these circumstances can also be associated with other problems or disorders. This way, it can be difficult for parents to know if it is depression or something else. But they indicate, in any case, that the children need help, just like we… Look for it and go see a suitable psychologist!

“No need of childhood is as strong as a parent’s need for protection.”

-Sigmund Freud-

If my child is depressed, what can I do?

Apart from professional help, it is important, as parents, to bring our grain of sand and help our child. For starters, if our little one has low self-esteem and tends to criticize himself, we can compliment him and show him all of his positive sides. But in a sincere way! We can comprehensively question these negative self-criticisms,  just as we can point out any dark thoughts that he expresses to him.

With depression, guilt often arises. When that happens, we need to help him differentiate between what he can and cannot control. If he is feeling helpless or hopeless,  we can encourage him to write about his feelings, talk about them, or write down positive thoughts 3 or 4 times a day. He will struggle at first, but this is an exercise that will help increase his positive affect.

“It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.”

-Tom Robbins-

If we notice a loss of interest and deep sadness, we can prepare an interesting activity for him every day. On a related note, it’s good to plan special events and talk about fun topics as a family. In fact, the home environment is essential in all of this. Having stability in this area will help us tremendously. What are we referring to? Maintaining a routine and decreasing changes in the family field, or talking about these ahead of time to try to reduce concerns.

If we observe any thoughts or signs that have to do with suicide, we should seek professional help quickly. Ultimately, it is essential to support the little one as best as possible and to do everything possible to make them feel better. His sadness and negative thoughts are also important.


Images of Annie Spratt and London Scout


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