Guilt And Its Two Great Friends, Doubt And Insecurity

Guilt and its two great friends, doubt and insecurity

Guilt never comes on its own,  it can show up in our lives for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes she tortures us for something we did but didn’t lead to the result we hoped for. Other times, it chases us because we haven’t had the courage to do or say something that is eating us up from the inside now. It is in this second case that guilt presents itself in our lives being accompanied by two faithful friends, doubt and insecurity.

Never stop doing something because you are afraid: better to regret having done something than to feel guilty for something that could have been.

It is when doubt takes control of our decisions and when insecurity decides that it is better to do nothing for fear of losing what we have that guilt sets in our life. We then feel an immense sadness and remain paralyzed, imagining what could have happened instead of accepting the reality of our immobility.

Doubt, captain of our army of fears

The fear passes; what you stopped experiencing because you were afraid never comes back.

Doubt watches us day after day and strategically reminds us of those situations where we did something that went nowhere. Those situations where we hurt someone unintentionally or where we were ridiculous. Ultimately,  doubt is responsible for multiplying our discomfort to the point of making us doubt everything we are or everything we have done.

But that’s not all. When our discomfort increases, doubt calls its army, the one that mobilizes all our fears and orders them to march. This is when images of horrible things that could happen cloud our minds and prevent us from deciding what we really want.

We don’t just want to be happy or go in search of our well-being, we also want to  live without suffering. Doubt takes advantage of this and attacks us once again. We then relapse into fear and guilt, then insecurity combines with doubt and binds us in its chains, trying to relieve this discomfort that we feel and which is part of life, even if we want it. to avoid.

Insecurity and its chains that prevent us from moving forward

“You can run away from anything, except from what is lost.”


Insecurity is then shown in all its harshness, making us doubt ourselves and our actions. It binds us in stagnation, in the fear of failing again if we do something else or if we try again to do what didn’t work.

With insecurity, we lose our fulcrum, our self-confidence. We lose our emotional balance and take root in a place that is hostile to us. This place is where our own image gradually disappears in an ocean of fear that does not reflect what we are, but what we are afraid to be.

We are thus rooting ourselves in the possibilities of a dire and yet unreal future, even if we behave as if it were. By doing this, we demonstrate that  our confidence can take us far and that lack of confidence chains us to continuous negative self-assessment,  which affects anything we might do.

So  when guilt appears in your life accompanied by doubt and insecurity, focus on the present, on reality: this will help you overcome these moments. This will show you the best version of yourself and show your potential, as limits will cease to be mental and become real.


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