Friends Are A Family That We Choose

Friends, it's a family that we choose

In our life, there are people, whom we crossed paths by chance, who make us happy.

Some of them have come a long way with us, while others have left our lives as quickly as they have entered.

We say of all these people that they are our friends… but the categories of friends are multiple.

Imagine: you are a tree, and each of the leaves of this tree represents a friend of yours. The first to sprout are your friends, mom and dad, who teach you about life.

Then come the friends, brothers and sisters, with whom we share our space, so that, like us, they can flourish.

As we go along, we get to know the whole family of leaves, which we respect and to whom we only want good.

Then, fate introduces us to other friends, those we were not necessarily destined to meet.

P mong them, many people are that we consider as friends of the soul, friends of the heart; they are sincere and true. When we are not well, they feel it, and they know what makes us happy.

Sometimes one of those soul friends bursts into our heart to become a loving friend ; it then makes our eyes shine, our lips waltz, and our feet jump.

There are also these occasional friends, with whom the bonds last only the time of the holidays, of a few days, even of a few hours.

As long as they are with us, no matter how briefly, they make us smile.

We cannot speak of friendship and forget to mention friends at a distance, those who grow at the end of a branch and who, when the wind blows, always appear between two leaves.

And then, time passes, summer leaves to make way for autumn; then  we lose leaves, some grow the following summer, and others last for several more seasons.

But what makes us happiest is that those who have fallen never go far, feeding our roots with joy.

They then constitute wonderful memories, immortalizing the moments spent together.

Leaf of my tree, I wish you peace, love, health, luck and prosperity. Forever…

Quite simply because each person who passes in our life is unique. She always leaves a little of herself, and goes with a little of us.

Some may take more than others, but none can leave nothing. It is the greatest responsibility of our life, and the clear proof that two souls do not meet by chance.

The tree of friends by Jorge Luis Borges


Friends are a family that we choose. A friend cannot solve all your problems, nor take away your doubts, nor even overcome your fears …

But he strives to listen to you and to share every feeling and every emotion.

A friend is the one who knows all your faults and who loves you despite everything.

Those whom we can call our companions in life, it is perhaps our friends of the soul and our friends in love. They are very courageous, and if our tree is flowered and colorful, it is thanks to them.

Your friends don’t have the power to change your future or your past, but they are by your side when you need them most.

They can’t clear your way of small stones that clutter it up and prevent you from tripping over, but they do reach out to help you stand.

The joys and sorrows of our friends are not ours, just as ours are not theirs. On the other hand, each benefits from the happiness of the other.

Therefore, the best thing that can happen in life is to find someone to laugh with, to talk to, and to cry with.

Knowing that someone cares about our happiness and depends on us is rewarding.

Finding a true friend is a great treasure, it is the most important ingredient in the recipe for life.

Sincere friends are those who give us the space we need to grow, those who put no limits on us in our life.

It is said that friends have the ability to make us feel better just by hugging us, even if a few minutes before, we felt overcome by life.

Friends escape every order we want to establish. They are not the first or the last on our priority list.

They only occupy a privileged place devoted to them, a space specially created to enjoy the emotional exchange between two people who love each other.

In addition, we all know that it is not the physical presence that makes a true friend, but the magic of knowing that, even if we do not see it, we carry it in our heart.

Sometimes you may not see it for years, but the day you find it, it is as if time has not passed.


Few things are as pleasurable as a knowing gaze exchanged with bright, happy eyes, or a spontaneous smile that conveys immediate understanding.

It is precisely by this chance that we recognize true friends.

Good friends make you feel better, help you reach your goals, are there for you through tough times by minimizing your times of depression, ease your stress, and grow old with you.

The truth is, you don’t have to have a lot of friends. The important thing is to have the best.
And very often, friends can be counted on the fingers of one hand. It is precisely the rarity that makes a true friendship not a treasure, but an immense fortune.

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