Do You Know How To Complain Effectively?

Do you know how to complain effectively?

We often complain about cranky people or those who have a knack for ruining our day in a single sentence from the morning.

The most surprising thing about all of this is that many of these naturally whiny people use an emotional remedy to release their frustration, which is complaining.

Complaining allows us to relieve stress, vent our frustration, and regain the energy we need to overcome and deal with issues that arise.

Thanks to these highly recommendable properties for our emotional health, today we will see how complaining can turn into something beneficial in our life.

Complain to release our frustration

To do this, we will present 3 points that you must understand in order to understand how the complaint works on our reflection, and thus be able to apply it in a positive way to the problems that arise.

1. There are different ways to complain.  We do not always complain in the same way, depending on the origin, the emotions felt by the person complaining, the emotional context, etc. It is important to understand that not all complaints follow the same “negative” path.

It is important to grasp this point, if one is to use the complaint wisely. A good example would be the difference between complaining about an everyday situation like our spouse always arriving late for appointments, and complaining about how our boss treats us every day at work.

Even if we use the same words when expressing our negative emotions, the root of the problem is not at all the same.

We must distinguish with which we complain, taking into account that an isolated complaint will not be of much use.

However, if we are upset about something, complaining will allow us to release that discomfort.

You could say that it is good to take into account the great moments of negative emotions before releasing your frustration in the wrong way.

2. Practice the complaint as an emotional remedy. Complaining is an emotional act that is easy to integrate into our tools, to release tension and discomfort. Its mechanism is simple, but its responsibility and commitment are much less so.

By dint of repetition, you could damage your personal relationships, without respecting the unconditional love that the person who listens to you brings to you at that moment.

To understand how this mechanism works in a positive way, it suffices to put yourself in a situation.

If you experience a negative feeling of great intensity and by chance another problem arises with another person, you are probably going to exaggerate your reaction along the same lines as your initial emotional activation.

From there, feelings and emotions should, as far as possible, be treated separately, at the risk of polluting each other.

This will reduce the possibility of generating a negative situation with that person who probably hasn’t done anything.

For example, you get up and find that you don’t have milk for your coffee. If at that point you are not complaining, you are not going to release the negative energy that this situation generates and you will pay it off later with the person you meet.

Finally, complaining too much about the outside environment or being uncomfortable with most things that happen to you is usually a good indicator that there is something that you are not handling well on an emotional level.

You connect the events that elicit feelings of the same polarity, in this case negativity.

Once this “inertia” is identified, one of the advisable strategies is to increase control over what happens to you.

So, this could be a good opportunity to try and finish your workday a little earlier and go home and enjoy some activity that you know will recharge your batteries with positive energy.

After a day of work, it is very usual to come home very tired or to have accumulated a lot of negative “stupid” situations without having released the corresponding energy at that time.

Ending a complaint silently or aloud will allow you to release that built-up tension, eliminate any bad mood, and relax more when it comes time to sleep.

3. Complaining is useful, but it should not be overused. When making a complaint, keep in mind that you want to get rid of it.

Imagine that your boss is about to increase your salary or that you have made a formal request and he has told you that he is going to think about it.

Complaining at this point about your work chair, or the position of your desk, might cause your boss to take action first for people who are complaining than for the reasons they are complaining.

So, once he has responded to your complaint, it is not uncommon for him to feel that he has done enough for you and does not consider your request for a raise, which was however. The most important.

Complaints must then be presented one by one and never at the same time as a request.

This article aims to show that a good complaint made at the right time can be very useful, as much to free you from a negative emotional state as to change a reality.

But remember that if the situation escapes you, your complaint may also be affected and not be controlled, causing further unease.

When it comes to inner development, it is vital to be reasonable and enjoy a good quality of emotional life.

Therefore, if you feel bad about something simple, there is no point in diverting your attention to other issues to complain about them and release your frustration.

It is important to be aware that complaining can serve as a momentary remedy, but the discomfort and negative emotion you feel inside will return over time if you do not put a solution in place for it. erase them.

It is therefore important to unite with your complaint to the right extent, never losing sight of the more powerful strategies you have available to solve the problems.


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