Do You Have A Self-centered Personality?

The egocentric personality is a collection of characteristics and behaviors that are normally associated with arrogance. To ambition. And sometimes, exhibitionism.
Do you have a self-centered personality?

Those who exhibit a self-centered personality type  tend to see themselves as the center of the gazes, concerns, and attention of others.

Thus, egocentricity defines those people for whom  the opinion of others does not matter. They focus on theirs. When we say someone is egocentric, we are referring to the fact that that person only sees the world from their own point of view. His capacity for empathy is weak. And the consequences that his actions will have on others do not matter to him. Let’s explore this theme further.

The development of the egocentric personality

In the first few years of our lives, we are all self-centered. Why? Because we haven’t yet developed the ability to think about others. However, as we grow older and our cognitive system develops, others appear more as independent individuals.

Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget has studied egocentricity as part of childhood development. He has observed that  young children appear cognitively incapable of assimilating another person’s point of view. So, for example, when they play hide and seek, they tend to put their hand in front of their eyes thinking that since they can’t see, others won’t be able to find them either.

egocentric personality

By the time of adolescence, the egocentric personality becomes evident, especially at the level of the relationship with peers. Young people  think they are more special and more important than other people. They see themselves as the center of attention because they believe that they are the only ones who arouse the interest of people through what they say or do. In addition, they feel misunderstood because they are convinced that others, and especially adults, do not have or have never had feelings similar to theirs.

Once we reach adulthood, this feeling of exclusivity gradually disappears. We understand that there are other points of view and perspectives. Even so, some people retain this egocentric trait in their way of being. In psychology, it is considered as a cognitive bias,  that is to say a distortion in the processing of information that leads to misinterpret what is happening around us.

5 traits that define the egocentric personality

Now that we know what the development of egocentrism is and somehow we  have all experienced it during our childhood and adolescence,  we are going to explain to you the main characteristics that are present in the egocentric personality. .

Lack of empathy

Lack of empathy in the egocentric personality involves  an inability or difficulty in going beyond yourself  and understanding or feeling what another person is going through.

The less empathetic person is immersed in his reality and ignores the world of others, their problems and their feelings. She will only do things for her own good and will engage little with those close to her. She also believes that everyone should act, think and feel like her.

Unachievable goals

Self-centered people, given their feelings of greatness, focus on the constant pursuit of success. To be able to. Of love and wealth. In order to shine. However, the struggle to achieve these unrealistic goals usually leads to frustration.

Very often this will eventually lead to stress and anxiety overload which will negatively affect self-esteem. Their unattainable goals  will also have a direct impact on their future enthusiasm. When setting new goals.

Lack of self-esteem

The egocentric personality is characterized by  a great disguise of security. In reality, it hides a deep sense of insecurity and low self-esteem. The artificial security these people transmit comes from their tendency to believe that everything they think is correct. Because their opinions are more important than those of others.

According to psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, egocentricity is like a defense mechanism. It would be an unconscious psychological strategy to not face reality and maintain a good self-image.

woman sad because of self-centered personality


The egocentric personality is also manifested in certain attitudes  such as the pleasure of feeling flattered and admired. This can be seen in the excessive desire to be rewarded with compliments and the constant urge to get the attention of others.

In addition, the egocentric seeks unconditional admiration through control of the ideas, actions and behaviors of those around them.

Emotional manipulation or blackmail

Self-centered people use emotional blackmail and ongoing manipulation to compensate for their feelings of insecurity. They are only interested in others to  get something in return.

As we see, the most common characteristics of this personality type may pose a problem. As well for the person as for his relations with the others. Identifying egocentricity is the first step in managing it and moving in another direction: that of change.


Self-esteem is not egocentricity, or arrogance, or superiority
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In the following article, we are going to tell you the difference between self-centeredness and self-esteem, so that you don’t confuse these two …

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