Digital Insomnia: Characteristics And Keys To Combating It

Digital insomnia: characteristics and keys to fight it

Many people use their cell phones or computers before going to sleep. Once they put their device aside, they experience some difficulty falling asleep. This is called digital insomnia.

The reason lies in the blue light emitted by these devices. It affects us in the brain and causes a reduction in the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that is particularly responsible for warning the body when it is time to sleep.

This phenomenon, so common in the news, is known as digital insomnia. It is a disorder that affects our sleep and causes us to sleep less or in worse conditions. The reasons are twofold: the effects of screen lights, and the difficulty in disconnecting our thoughts from our daily concerns.

Over-stimulation of the brain causing digital insomnia

There are a large number of people who use their phones before going to sleep and also a lot of people who use their phones very early on when they wake up. In fact, looking at the phone is for many the first action taken when waking up. This prevents us from breaking contact with technology, social media or work during our periods of rest. 

The succession of screens and images as well as the hyperactivity favored by the Internet cause over-stimulation of the brain. Our nervous system then sends a signal contrary to what should be received at these times of the night.

over-stimulation of the brain causing digital insomnia

Digital insomnia and screen light

As we mentioned earlier, artificial light emitted by devices like cell phones, laptops, and tablets can be one of the most common causes of digital insomnia. Backlit screens interfere with melatonin secretion. 

This hormone should start to release at least an hour before we fall asleep. However, the effect of the screens alters its production which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Faced with this, certain objects such as electronic books, whose screens are more opaque and in black and white, are less harmful. 

What are the main causes of digital insomnia?

In addition to the screen lights mentioned above, other factors are responsible for digital insomnia.

. They are the following:

Do TV series marathons

Spending many hours in front of the television, especially before sleeping, can affect our sleep. In fact, a less harmful hobby would be reading before sleeping. Additionally, it can be a good way to relax and start falling asleep.

Don’t leave the phone out

Using the phone as an alarm clock and keeping it next to your bed gives the phone properties other than a phone. It is a device that we use all the time and that we do not leave aside, or even when we want to fall asleep. Plus, using the phone before sleep prevents us from disconnecting from social media and everyday concerns.

cell phone addiction causes digital insomnia

Play online video games

Online video games can be especially addicting. Lots of people spend a lot of time doing it. They also prolong their game until bedtime.

In addition, video games have long since been aimed only at teenagers. Today , people of very different ages consume this type of product. This can have positive aspects but it also helps increase digital insomnia issues.

How to relax an overactive brain?

Along with the development of digital insomnia, different solutions are emerging in an attempt to dispel the negative effects of technology on our sleep. A curious example is that of the reinvention of nursery rhymes.

These classic songs that parents use to help their children fall asleep have been incorporated into various mobile apps to help us sleep better . However, this assumes the irony of continuing to depend on the cell phone for sleep. 

On the other hand, we can cite the use of earplugs which allow us to isolate ourselves from outside noise preventing us from sleeping. Or the use of white noise, with which we can stop paying attention to distractors that bother us during the night. Reading is also highly recommended.

Finally, reducing the time in which electronic devices are used is an essential remedy. Also, there are pharmacological treatments but the most effective is all the same to have recourse to the advice of a doctor.


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