Become Your Best Friend

Become your best friend

Throughout life we ​​make very good friends, casual acquaintances that we see in leisure activities and others who unfortunately made us believe they were our friends but whose he attitude ends up disappointing us.

We have all experienced this kind of disappointment, after having given a lot but received nothing in return.

Our friendships can fail, and this creates a feeling of mistrust when it comes to venturing to know new people.

The ideal would be to learn from your mistakes, and find a balance between trust and mistrust. 

Being overconfident can be detrimental to you because you offer yourself to anyone, without using a filter.

But being overly suspicious is also very negative because you are eliminating a large number of people, who might have become your friends. It is therefore necessary to know how to find a balance between  confidence and prudence.

There is a lifelong friendship that will never betray you, it is the one you will get with yourself.

How to become your best friend?

Think about how you would behave with a friend you like, and do the same with yourself.

Sometimes we are very kind and understanding with others, we support them, we encourage them, we want to say the best phrases to them to reassure them but do you do the same with yourself?

Are your words respectful and pleasant?

For example, imagine that you are having a drink with someone you like, and who tells you that they had a bad day at work, that they made a mistake and that they did. repeated throughout the day.

His boss argued with him, told him he was a bum and those mistakes were rookie mistakes.

What would you say to that person telling you about that bad day at work?

If you like him, you will probably try to show him that a mistake can be made by anyone, that it is perfectly normal and that his personal worth should not be marred by a simple mistake that everyone. can commit.

What would you think if this happened to you? If your self-esteem is not very strong, you might say to yourself things like: “I’m worth nothing”, “I’m a good-for-nothing”, “I do anything anyhow” etc…

Why if this happens to you, you are so hard on yourself when with a person you like you are more understanding and you think that a mistake can be made by anyone?

If you love yourself, you try to reassure yourself and send each other the best phrases.

Conversely, if someone does not like themselves so much, they will probably address negative remarks to each other, and will have less and less self-confidence.

Whenever you experience negative emotions, ask yourself what you would say to the person you love and who loves you too.

Some people may be supportive and have confidence in you, but they can also let you down at any time.

Conversely, if you create a good indoor climate for yourself, and succeed in becoming your best friend, you will have a stable foundation for life.

What you desire so much on the outside, you can create it on the inside. Take advantage of the people around you, but knowing that you cannot offer your unconditional trust to someone imperfect, like every human being.

If you give everything to a friend, you run the risk of ending up with nothing, if one day he or she lets you down.

If you have 100 liters of water in a bucket, give 50 to the person you like .

If you give it everything, you will have nothing and it is not called tenderness or esteem, it is dependence. 

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