Are We What Our Mind Thinks?

Are we what our mind thinks?

After the success of the book We Are What We Eat , we present to you the psychological version: We are what we think . It’s a rather suggestive title that invites us to learn more about this relationship between thoughts, what happens to us and how we define ourselves. In all of this, our mind, through the cognitive material it works with, has great power.

Our thoughts can change the way we behave, the decisions we make, and the feelings we feel. That is to say, they have a lot of influence on us, a lot more than what we think.

The spirit: ally or enemy?

Everything depends. Enough to ? What we think! It is common to say “I’m tired, I can’t take it anymore” and immediately want to sleep for three days. Remember that the body and the brain are working to make you happy, and the former tends to do so in the short term. However, they can also transform into a genie of the lamp who obeys his master’s wishes without protest.

Contrary to what we think, it is not the mind that tells us what to do or how we should feel… It is the other way around! We ourselves are responsible for how we feel. We cannot blame ourselves on those around us, the politicians, the economy or our boss… Everything resides inside us. But, of course, it is much easier to look for a manager elsewhere. This way, we don’t have the opportunity to learn, change or improve.

It’s all in the mind

Marathons are one of the endurance events that demand the most from our body but also from our mind. In addition to requiring good physical preparation, they also require mental training. Why ? Because at the precise moment when the body can no longer move forward, the brain helps it to move forward … even if the pain is so great that no painkiller can alleviate it.

Without needing to transform yourself into a marathon runner to prove this theory, think of the times when you were about to fall, overcome by sleep, fatigue, or the boredom of the routine and you said to yourself, “I can. continue ”,“ I’m fine ”or“ I’m going to finish this ”. It is likely that at this point you will get a boost of energy – which has not come out of a cup of coffee – to continue with your chores and then fall into your bed, exhausted, to sleep for several hours in a row.

It’s also not about being the most positive person in the world and living by seeing the glass half full in every situation, but knowing that there are thoughts that help us and others that help us. hinder. Stop paying attention to trivial things and focus on what really matters. If things are going around in circles in your head, take the time to resolve them and move on to the next task.

The mind also accepts irrationality

If you can’t sleep because your mind is a whirlwind of ideas, keep a small notebook on your nightstand and use this creative nook to solve some of your problems. Don’t waste your energy ruminating on the bad things that happen to you. Make the most of your time and resources to find a solution to your problems.

Remember that there is no reason for everything to be rational … Let a little improvisation in your life  ! While there are many things based on logic, there are others (a lot) that are more related to emotions, sensations and intuitions.

Learn to live with uncertainty, even if it’s in small doses. Make decisions that also require some risk-taking and see mistakes as part of the rules of the game. Avoid putting pressure on yourself and accept being imperfect… This will lower your levels of fear and anxiety and , therefore, your mistakes.

How to properly use thoughts?

A great exercise that can help you take your negative thoughts less seriously is laughing at your own ideas. Our thoughts can be so absurd sometimes! Seeing the fun side of what is happening to you serves to release some tension and to learn to look for the positive side of a situation.

Are you used to talking to each other? Are you walking down the street chatting with your mind or talking in front of the mirror as if there is someone else in the room? Don’t get caught up in the games the brain is preparing for you … Thoughts are sure to be negative, capricious and selfish and they just seek to make you sad, anxious, angry or revengeful.

If you ignore these words and direct your attention elsewhere, you can take control of your mind and avoid being ruled by inertia itself. Once you regain control over the most powerful tool you have, you can provide it with the cognitive materials it needs to feel good alongside your body.

“Our life is what our thoughts make of it.”
-Marc Aurèle-


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