Now Is The Time To Learn How To Take Care Of Yourself

And you, are you taking sufficient care of yourself?
Now is the time to learn to take care of yourself

Sometimes we are so busy that we forget to take care of the one person who will be with us all our life: ourselves. You may find that  thinking about your own well-being and putting yourself first on your daily to-do list seems selfish. You know it: you have to learn to take care of yourself.

In fact, one of the most important investments you can make is to invest in yourself, your health, your needs, and your well-being. In addition, knowing how to take care of yourself is essential in order to be able to take care of others. Because if we take good care of ourselves, we can give ourselves to others in a more complete and whole way.

Devoting your days to caring for others is an initiative born out of the most genuine  and deepest  affection , but when this activity is a constant, it leaves an emotional bill. Also, if a person devotes a large part of their life to caring for others, whether it is practical (doing things for others) or sentimental (giving emotional support), they stop caring for them. herself. Therefore, in this article we are going to tell you about how to take care of yourself. It is a fundamental skill for enjoying good psychological and emotional health.

take care of yourself

Why can taking care of yourself be such a difficult task?

Because often humans act, move and decide according to the needs of others or according to what they say, forgetting and not taking care of their own needs. Likewise,  if we stop doing an activity, we lose the ease and the practice. We even forget how much we loved this activity. If we stop listening to ourselves and taking care of ourselves, we forget how to practice it. This is particularly evident in people who spend many years caring for their children or a family member. When they stop doing this, they become depressed, feel anxious, and do not understand what is happening to them.

People who don’t know how to take care of themselves end up going to therapy and explaining that they feel lost. They feel aimless, blocked and unable to do anything different to get out of the situation they find themselves in. What happens in all of these cases is that the time has come for them to “take care of themselves” and they don’t know how to do it. They face a task that is almost impossible and strange. They don’t know where to start.

How to take care of yourself Here are 7 practical ideas

Tell yourself that if you are well, all the difficulties around you will be easier to overcome. Also, you must accept that this task is up to you. In other words, if you have a spouse, friends, family, or kids, it’s a very good thing if they care about your well-being (in a way they should). But don’t expect them to take care of you. This is a job that you have to do on your own. For all these reasons, here are 7 practical ideas.

1. Organize your environment. That he represents the best of you

Keeping your home, room, work environment and physical surroundings in order is a step forward in the task of taking care of yourself. The place where you reside should invite to stay. And not to flight. The clutter, the lack of light and the lack of human warmth make us uncomfortable. And this, if we experience it every day, increases the general psychological discomfort.

2. Find a moment of relaxation

We have a way of life in which “we never have time”. Of course, but time is a resource that we “take” out of one place to “put it back” elsewhere. So, to take care of yourself it is important to seek, even for 10 minutes a day of relaxation and disconnection, to have a coffee or a tea. Watch the news or social networks on your mobile. Without anything or nobody bothering you. This moment of relaxation can take place in the morning. The afternoon. Or in the evening. It doesn’t matter when. But it must exist.

take care of yourself

3. Include laughter in your routine

Use whatever makes you laugh. A series. Movies. A radio show. Or monologues. No matter. As long as it connects you with your sense of humor. The impact of finding laughter every day is very positive. And it shows in the state of mind. Be proactive and approach what makes you laugh. Look for it, don’t wait for it to knock on your door.

4. Stay away from people and negative emotions

Getting away from what hurts is an essential step in taking care of yourself. If you have toxic relationships or have people around you who transmit negativity, you need to distance yourself. And set limits. It’s hard enough to take care of yourself not to surround yourself with people who are dedicated to scuttling our efforts to achieve wellness.

5. Cultivate your personal relationships, dedicate time and make them worthwhile

Once you’ve set limits in toxic relationships and moved away from negative emotions (having heard them before and not ignoring them out of habit), you can focus on cultivating the relationships that make you feel good. Spend time with friends. Have a date with her spouse. Or visit a family member you want to see. By investing time in these relationships, you will feel supported. And taken care of on an emotional level.

6. Exercise, and always find a time for it

Physical exercise is one of the best tools to help us regain our psychological balance. And improve our mood. Besides having psychological benefits, exercise improves your self-esteem. You will feel  better. And you will see it more clearly. This will give you as well as an injection of positive emotions. Commit to a weekly exercise routine. You will then notice the changes immediately.


7. Listen to your needs as a person

First, connect to your needs. Listen to what you want to say or do. And be true to yourself. It will be one of the best ways to take care of yourself. Avoiding meeting your needs to put the well-being of others first may seem easier right now. But in the long run, you will pay the price. This is the time you spend thinking about how you are feeling. What you want. What is important to you. And how you can satisfy it.

Finally, remember that taking care of yourself can be a difficult task. Maybe even, like you never have, you don’t know where to start. Don’t be discouraged, almost everything we do for 21 days or more becomes a habit. Therefore, you can set yourself a goal of making a habit of taking care of yourself by following our 7 practical ideas over the next 21 days. You will not regret it !


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