Loneliness May Not Be Desirable At 20, But It Becomes Necessary Afterwards

Over time, loneliness takes on a whole new flavor. Why ? Because as we accumulate experiences, we come to that moment when loneliness becomes synonymous with personal, intimate and emotional space.

Yep, loneliness is addictive. Once you discover the peace that lies within it, you need at times to see it cover you with its veil. You can’t stand outside noise so much anymore and you prefer to know yourself in your world.

Over time, you begin to fearlessly bond with loneliness, to love yourself inside, to contemplate yourself, and to regain a balance that is very difficult to achieve in youth. At 20, society doesn’t allow you to view loneliness as a positive thing the same way it does 30 years later, when experiences lead you to the need to take a break and reserve your space for yourself.

“Loneliness is our most private property

an old rite of fire jugglers

we move in it and invent walls for it

with mirrors from which we keep shying away. “

-Mario Benedetti-



What makes us feel free in solitude?

Loneliness attracts us enormously because it helps us to keep a part of our soul for ourselves. With it, we can listen to ourselves, manage our worries, observe our demons and manifest our desires.

Our moments of solitude turn into a meeting point that fills us and does us no harm.

But beware! . We have to understand it as a place we go to by our own will and with the need to build our personality through full observation.

When a person chooses to be alone, they do not find themselves isolated. What’s more, chosen loneliness helps us develop a sense of control that the busy and fast-paced adult life does not allow us to cultivate.

A person, in his moments of loneliness, is responsible for constructing his image in the mirror and for knowing what is happening behind his gaze. We can communicate with our capacity for introspection and analyze the antecedents and consequences of our conflicts, our successes and our experiences.


Loneliness brings us moments of delicious intimacy

Through the intimate encounter with oneself, we say goodbye to emotional dependence and harmful connections. We work on our essence and for that we only need ourselves, we cultivate and work our interior, being aware of our needs and overcoming fears.

Thus, the fear of not finding the meaning of life is reduced, because when a person begins to appreciate his moments of solitude, he understands that the meaning of life is the one that we want to give him. No more no less.

People who enjoy spending time alone see it differently. They know what it’s like to enjoy a day without plans, to look for hours to spend time with themselves, to be independent, to see a lonely coffee as one of the greatest pleasures of life. life.


This helps to strengthen the power of decision and analysis. What’s more, the need to be alone and the appreciation of this moment are two facets of creativity and originality. It turns the little details into subtleties that make all the difference.

We discover ourselves through the moments when we are in contact with our deep SELF. This is what makes solitude a synonym of personal and intimate space. This is what drives us, very often, to find and collect reasons to continue to grow.

Loneliness is always useful to recompose ourselves, to introduce ourselves into ourselves and relaunch reflection on each part of our life to which we are not paying attention. The essence of this emotional state teaches us to share our way of being with ourselves, to reserve some ground for ourselves and to use it to work deeply on this thing that carries us:.

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