Today I Will Be Successful In Everything I Do

Today I will succeed in everything I do

From today, I will achieve my goals, one by one.

I will finally dare to move forward towards the future I want, towards what I have always wanted, to make my dreams come true.

I can feel that moment when I will reach my goals, I can feel this emotion in my heart, I can notice the tears of joy rolling down my cheeks and the pride of the people I love as I see me fulfill my hopes.

I will be brave

Fear is not an obstacle, I am going to seek within myself the courage that I have always had to fight against what frightens me.

I will face my fear of failure, my fear of the gaze of others, my fear of change.

Finally I understood that there is no such thing as failure, only the desire to learn exists.

I also understood that the fears of others are not necessarily mine, and that change can turn out to be a great opportunity.


“To be courageous is not to lack fear, but to proceed in such a way that neither fear nor adrenaline stops you from living.”

-Walter Riso-


I will learn

I will become someone who does not look to the past, but who lives in the present and looks to the future with illusion.

Someone who learns the lessons life has given him and who does not declare himself defeated.

If I have the curiosity to learn something, I will educate myself as much as necessary until it becomes necessary.

I will train in the areas that fascinate me the most in order to best develop my abilities by doing what I love.

I will never stop learning, having the curiosity to learn new things, to study, to read, to explore.

Now I know that whatever I learn will have a use, a meaning in my life, that it will be something that will serve me and help me persevere.

I will live the present moment

The shadow of worry will not accompany me, because from today I will be thinking about all the good things that I have in my life, and all the people who really love me.

I will live the present moment, the warmth of each hug given, the kindness of each word spoken, and the kiss of each person who shows me their tenderness.


“A man has to live in the present moment; Whoever you were last week, if you know who you are today?

-Paul Auster-

I will set goals and I will fight to achieve them

Today, I clearly know the goals I am aiming for, and I know how I want to achieve them.

I will write my goals clearly and post them where I can see them, to remind myself every day that I am moving towards my dreams.

I will fight against difficulties, against everything that will stand in my way, and which will block the way between me and what I covet.

I will value myself

I have flaws, like everyone else, even a lot of flaws, but I struggle every day to overcome and accept them.

I also have qualities that make me unique, and that make me who I am.

Today, I learned to value myself, to see all the good things in me, and to do what really pleases me.


I will be persevering

Nothing will hold me back because I have confidence in myself, I believe in myself, that’s why I learned to be persevering, not to surrender and to achieve my goals one by one.

From today, perseverance will accompany me to remind myself that I am a fighter, and to transmit my enthusiasm and communicate my joy to other people.

Today i will be myself

Today, I will not hide, I will show myself as I am, I will say what I have to say, I will learn to say “no” when necessary, I will learn to communicate and to speak with other people, I will not allow negative thoughts to come over me.

Today I will be myself, I will be brave and daring, I will dream and fight for what I dream of, I will take advantage of the present and value the person that I am, I will succeed in everything I do .


“I may feel tempted to be a crisp, well-groomed, neat woman; the standards of this world require of us that we be well groomed, that we go out, that we buy, that we run, that we lose weight, that we eat healthily, that we let’s walk straight, let’s be serious… Maybe I should follow all these instructions, but then… when am I going to be ordered to be happy? To be beautiful, I have to feel beautiful… to feel that I am the most beautiful person I can be! ”

-Quino (Mafalda) –


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