Throw Me Among The Wolves And I Will Lead The Pack

Throw me among the wolves and I will lead the pack

When a personal battle weighs on your back and on your heart, none compare to that of your neighbor, your other half, or even your best friend.

We all have our fears well hidden, traces of the past that still have not healed and labyrinths present, to which we cannot find an exit and in which we see more enemies than allies.

Throw me among the wolves and I will lead the pack. It is the attitude we should have every morning to face the adversities, challenges and hardships that life puts in our way for free.

Is there an explanation for the fact that we had to go through certain specific situations? Some people say that our problems are a direct result of our own actions and bad decisions. This is not certain, because this rule is not always correct.

Sometimes things fall apart because adversity arises at random, because you miss someone you trusted, because what was safe before is not safe today, because health is no longer safe. is not always iron but crystal, and that all have to deal with this.

It’s not easy, but when we come into the world no one has assured us that our days will be rosy.

Someone, somewhere, should warn us that we have to learn to be leaders in wolf packs as soon as possible.

Strong creatures in the face of all adversities. So tell us … Are you a fighter too?

I will lead my opponents and fight the difficulties

Think for a moment about this question: What was your first encounter with adversity?

It is often said that we lose our innocence the moment the first difficulty arises, a loss or a change that changes the way we see the world forever.

You may think that no one is ever prepared to face adversity, but you are not. It is an intuitive thing, marked by the law of survival.

Inside you have multiple strategies that will allow you to become a great survivor.

We are aware that sometimes big words are nothing more than smoke billowing through an open window through motivational sentences that, most of them, cannot be applied to reality.

However, knowing that your difficulties are very special is worth thinking about and breaking some of your internal patterns to defeat external enemies.

wolf woman

Be aware of these few points and think about them:

  • There is no greater enemy than your own limiting thoughts. Sometimes we come to think that our surroundings are made up of wolves, constant threats that prevent our personal development and our happiness.
  • Change your thoughts and your reality will change.

Do not grant power to the one who harms you or who has done so in the past. Go forward without unnecessary weight. Do not intensify your suffering with silent resentments, say what you think… and set limits.

In the end, the day will come when you will understand that sometimes your worst enemy is yourself. Only then will you be able to start winning your battles, when you will be in charge of your own life.

Think about it for a moment instead of focusing your attention on the outside to contemplate your adversities.

Look inside and you will find the value that the sense of survival has given you without knowing it.

How to face the difficulties?

Sometimes we get tired of hearing that adversities give us the greatest learning.

However, there is one thing for sure: no one likes to suffer, and some people do not even tolerate suffering.

But if we are not patient with the small difficulties, we will fail with the bigger problems.

We live in the present moment, fighting problems and hoping for this vital knowledge to fall to us from the sky to improve our situation. How much longer do we have to wait?

When will I finally be able to lead my pack of wolves if I live among them for a long time to come?

pack wolves

There are those who manage to get used to living among their enemies. They accept, assume and let themselves be carried away by the fear of change, by the fear of what will happen to them.

We cannot judge or criticize them, because each of us is free to live the life we ​​want, even if it comes under the sign of unhappiness and frustration.

  • Free your life, we promise you will be worth the effort. To do this, recognize your external enemies but also internal ones (Is it fear? Indecision? Insecurity?)
  • Put a name on what happens to you. Are you unhappy with someone? Doesn’t the life you lead today make you happy? What are you afraid of ?
  • Now is the time to make your voice heard. But start by talking with yourself: what do I need to feel better? Will the effort be worth it? How can I direct my fears to make them go away? And make my external enemies disappear?

Deploy the strategies that you think are appropriate. You may be afraid of the outcome, but the battle will be worth it because it will help you feel alive, capable and courageous.

Be yourself.

Photos courtesy of Marjorie Miller and Yan Yuunei.

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