Why Do We Not Accept Our Bodies?

The main reason we don’t accept our bodies is the social pressure that makes us be the way others would like us to be. By doing this, we learn to devalue ourselves and even to mistreat ourselves because we do not enter into the canons of the gaze of the other.
Why do we not accept our body?

One of the effects of worshiping a specific beauty format is that we end up doubting ourselves and not accepting our bodies.  If we embrace the dangerous idea that we have to be physically perfect to be valued or to be of worth, the result can be some of life’s most unnecessary suffering.

It is true that today, a lot of people give value to others according to their physique. It is also true that a person who is beautiful on the physical level has more facilities in life, whether at the level of love conquest or offers of work. How could it be otherwise in a world that wants to enlarge our eyes?

The decision each of us must make is to choose between two options: passively follow this logic or set limits. In terms of physical appearance, we all have one or more flaws. The problem arises when we start to measure the importance of these flaws with the eyes of the market. Usually, this is where we don’t accept our body.

A woman sad because she does not accept her body


Why should we be perfect?

In reality, this question is poorly worded. It shouldn’t be “why should we be perfect?” but “why should we be perfectly identical to the model of beauty imposed on us by the market?”. Obviously, there are advantages to respecting these canons, but in trying to reach them we could do ourselves a great deal of harm.

The most usual is that we do not accept our body because we evaluate it precisely from this model of perfection that has been imposed on us. We are currently very visual and are continually sent images of people who represent this ideal of beauty. Therefore, there is nothing strange about us looking at ourselves in the mirror and feeling disappointed.

This physical ideal has been imposed on us continuously – probably always. That’s why it’s so hard to resist him. We come to think of it as “normal” to be physically perfect. If we are not, then we have an element of abnormality. Reality shows us just the opposite: a lot more of us don’t fit magazine covers.

Do we accept or do we not accept our body?

When we do not accept our body, we develop a mania for criticism, especially when we look at ourselves in a mirror. We get into the habit of discovering faults and evaluating them by being more critical. I have a very round face, protruding ears, too thin legs, too big buttocks… And my nose… How much does rhinoplasty cost? This self-flagellation exercise only frustrates us.

We can also choose to realize that we have a flaw (like everyone else) and try to hide it. We put on heels to look taller. Or we buy a sleeve to hide the effects of the ten desserts we eat per week. And when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we omit looking at those “little problems” that we can’t hide from ourselves.

A lot of times, we don’t accept our body because we are not able to look closely at that reflection in the mirror. You should know that the more we try to ignore or cover up a physical defect, the more it will matter in our mind.  Accepting ourselves means recognizing our best sides – and our worst. It’s as simple as that.

A man looking at himself in the mirror

Why don’t we accept each other physically?

It is not easy to give a general answer to this question. We could say that we do not accept our body because we have established a malicious gaze on ourselves. Instead of seeing ourselves with our own eyes, we do it as if we are the judges of a competition. A lot of powers are interested in this look we have at ourselves… And we probably don’t realize it.

The preformatted beauty industry is making millions and millions of dollars from the fight we wage in private with our mirror. And also thanks to all those who observe us with the gazes of competition judges and decide to disqualify what they see. Those who judge us also have conflicts with their mirror. To relieve themselves of the weight of self-criticism, they decide to criticize us …

Worst of all is that sometimes we get rude to ourselves. We decide that we look like “a cow”, “a monster” or the like. We treat ourselves so badly when we don’t accept our bodies. When we do not accept our imperfection, so specific to each one, so human, so worthy of being respected, quite simply because it belongs to us …  Why not be what others would like us to be should it be so important?


Physical Self-Esteem: Accept Your Body!
Our thoughts Our thoughts

To be able to offer your body all the respect it deserves, we invite you first to try to understand it.

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