Hurt Others Without Being Noticed

Hurt others without being noticed

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where you felt attacked by seemingly innocent attitudes?

Have you ever felt that someone close to you was using this attitude to get what they wanted? We invite you to read this article to learn more about this attitude.

What is the passive aggressive attitude?

Passive aggressive behavior can take many forms, although they all represent verbal aggression or negative behavior.

It usually happens when we are angry, sad, or disappointed with someone we want to show our true feelings to.

It is a form of emotional abuse because it causes great pain and emotional harm to the people we love.

Identify the passive aggressive attitude

The passive aggressive attitude occurs when certain negative behaviors persist in a relationship.

Attitudes can take the following forms :    

–  A lack of communication  when there is a problematic situation that needs to be raised.

– Avoid or ignore the person with whom it is not possible to speak calmly.

– Evade the problems, subjects and situations that need to be resolved.

– Prioritize less important topics and postpone more important ones.

–  Obstruct or sabotage events or processes that generate changes in your favor.

– Avoid situations in which you may lose or meet someone to compete with.

–  Being ambiguous and unclear in conversations with others.

– Maintain an attitude of bad humor, silence and resentment with the aim of attracting attention and arousing sympathy.

–  Fear of maintaining close relationships.

– Give excuses for not doing things, without taking responsibility.

– Victimization and the inability  to recognize one’s share of responsibility for the problems.

Depending on the person and the situation, all or some of these characteristics may occur.

Where does the passive aggressive attitude come from?

The passive aggressive attitude is a defense mechanism by which it is claimed to achieve emotional protection.

It is an automatic attitude that derives from past negative experiences that have affected us deeply. 

The causes of this attitude are fears, resentments, disillusions, insecurities and low self-esteem.

Learn to deal with a passive aggressive attitude

If you have a passive aggressive attitude and want to change , you should start by understanding the causes.

Then, it will be easier for you to restrain yourself before initiating this attitude. However, if you relapse, you will need to take responsibility for your actions and reactions .  

You should also avoid feeling attacked when dealing with your problems. Instead, try to keep an objective view.

If you have to deal with a passive aggressive person, try to understand the reasons for this attitude and let the other person hear that it affects you. 

Prepare to be assaulted without taking on the role of the victim who feels guilty. Instead, try to be honest with yourself about your share of responsibility for the situation and if it continues, set clear boundaries.


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