Fear Of Taking The First Step

We are sometimes afraid to dare to take the plunge; however, it is necessary to get there.
The fear of taking the first step

The fear of taking the first step is one of the factors that destroy our dreams, big or small. This first step is the place where all our fears are condensed. Usually, once we start moving forward, the fears begin to dissipate. If we take this route, it is very likely that we will eventually realize that we are actually capable of doing more things than we originally thought.

When we let ourselves be overcome by fear, more often than not, we start by postponing those challenges that are really close to our hearts. Fear of taking the first step sets in and it is likely that we end up spending more time imagining the possible risks, instead of arming ourselves with courage and going in search of what interests us so much.

It is natural in human beings to feel a little apprehensive about anything that is unfamiliar to us or that is straining us. Getting out of the routine generates restlessness and awakens our sleeping insecurities. Hence the fear of taking the first step.

We must therefore deviate from what we know and expose ourselves to uncertainty. However, if we don’t , it is likely that we will forever push back our biggest dreams and goals. How can we overcome this fear that invades us and prevents us from advancing into the unknown?

The first key to overcoming the fear of taking the first step

 It has become commonplace to say that it is by overcoming them that we face our fears. But, banal as it is, it is still true. There is no other way. You have to face the fears, knowing that they won’t look so big when overcome. On the other hand, looking them in the face supposes having identified them beforehand. Well identified. And this is the starting point.

It is necessary to determine what you are trying to avoid. Afraid of failure? Are you worried that you will not be able to overcome the obstacles that will face you? Or do you feel blocked by specific situations that you have experienced in the past? If so, write them down, explain them, and don’t let them sway you below your level of consciousness. So by recognizing their existence, you will be able to deal with them.

To overcome the fear of taking the first step, you need to name it first. As absurd as it is, it’s your fear, and to define it is to start facing it. On the other hand, it is very likely that in doing so they will start to lose intensity.

to do the first step

The effects of inaction

What would happen if you succumbed to the fear of taking the first step? If you have set yourself a challenge, a challenge or a goal, it is because for you it represents a need or a desire. It is therefore very healthy to imagine what would happen if you did not dare to take the plunge.

It is normal for insecurity to invade you. More than normal, it is even positive. It is good to play insecurity in his favor. It is a force that helps you to be more careful and to better measure the consequences of your actions.

be afraid to take the first step

The present moment, support and a helping hand

Usually, when faced with the fear of taking the first step, our first strategy is to either delay or avoid what that emotion generates. We leave it aside and say we will try to fight it later. In fact, it’s a trap: the longer you wait, the more your fear will intensify. We therefore recommend that you set a reasonable date and commit to respecting it.

Before you jump in, it’s understandable that you seek support from someone you trust. This person must be strong. It should be able to help you gather your strength and dispel your feeling of insecurity. In general, in these situations, those who have already had the same experience and who have dared to move forward are in the best position to help you. Unlike those who have been stuck in a routine life  without transcendence who more often than not try to convince you to give in to your fears.

In the end, you will only need a little push. Now is the time to stop thinking and take action. So overcome your fear of taking the first step; then everything will be easier. And it is precisely by taking this first step that you will understand this.


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