4 Arabic Proverbs To Think About

4 Arabic proverbs to think about

Proverbs are great for getting us thinking and teaching us the teachings of life.

Here, we are going to share with you several Arabic proverbs that seem beneficial to us for better living on a daily basis.

Whether it is due to the importance that this culture has had in our history or because they make us wiser, it is worth paying attention to these proverbs.

Take note and do not forget them in your daily life.

1. “Don’t speak if what you have to say isn’t more beautiful than silence”

This Arabic proverb refers to all the times when we very much regretted having said something.

Often there is not even the desire to hurt the other person but sometimes we make a mean comment that turns the mood down and has not gone through the filter of the heart.


It is important to pass all of our comments through the heart filter, which will tell you if this is an emotionally useful message to the people who will hear it.

Sometimes passing every word we say through the mind filter will give us a clue as to whether that word makes sense or not.

While holding grudges in and of themselves isn’t healthy, saying things that hurt isn’t either.

2. “The first time you cheat on me, it will be your fault. The second, from mine ”

It is one of the Arabic proverbs that it is good to remember at all times, especially in couple relationships.

It is obvious that in the relationship of couple, there is nothing written and that each partner must make his own decisions.

But if you have been the victim of infidelity by your spouse and continue to forgive and accept it over and over again, you can no longer blame them.

The message we send when we forgive infidelity, whether male or female, is that we do not value ourselves.

If you are not able to see what you are worth and impose yourself, how do you expect the other to do it?

We are not saying that we must never forgive because it is also necessary to keep moving forward, but we must learn to set limits.

When the other person shows disrespect, your best bet is to let them go so that they find what they are looking for without hurting us.

3. “The man who does not know how to smile should not open a store”

This one means that we should always do things that bring a smile on our lips.

Daily life is always more bearable when you do the things you love. Of course, we always face problems and challenges, even tasks that we do not want to do.

However, going beyond all that is easier when you like your main activity.

There is nothing worse than having people who are sullen and unpleasant around you all day. Don’t become one of those people.


4. “Punish those who envy you by doing them good”

At some point in life we ​​all have people in front of us who want to hurt us .

Often times, this is because they envy us and try to sabotage us emotionally.

You may be tempted to get upset and do the same to them. The last of these Arabic proverbs reminds us of something true: the worst punishment for these people is to consider them well, and to do them good.

It’s also not about being hypocritical and treating them like they’re your best friends.

Simple friendliness hurts them more than anything else. If you are faced with this type of person and have tried to avoid them without success, try kindness.

You will see that it will disappear from your life as quickly as it arrives. And beware: we are talking about being kind and cordial, not making ourselves available. If she asks you something that you can’t or can’t do, say “no”.

We are sure that these Arabic proverbs will be very useful for you to face the challenges of your daily life.

Chances are you already know them but don’t always apply them because you tend to forget them. Pay them more attention and think about it!

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