Sometimes Retreating Is Also A Victory

Sometimes retreating is also a victory

How do you accept that you can’t always win? What’s the best way to deal with a possible loss? How do we know where our limits are to stop suffering and start taking care of ourselves? Sometimes retreating is also important to winning. Victories don’t always mean continuing a process. Wear and tear also matters, as does discomfort. Especially when they both become routine. Evaluating where we are and the direction we are taking is fundamental.

In these cases,  the failure is not to retreat but to continue to struggle and insist on something that no longer makes us happy. For something that has become mechanical and no longer excites us. We are sometimes so worn out that we suffer and find ourselves lost in a labyrinth of thoughts that force us to continue, almost without knowing why. Maybe because we don’t know how to change our goal. Or because we have chosen a wrong path to achieve what we want and don’t realize it.

Even though success requires hard work, consistency and enthusiasm and requires us to be motivated and engaged,  we cannot or should not always continue, especially when our mental health is affected. What happens when fatigue and demotivation haunt us day after day? What can we do when what we have devoted all our time to no longer makes us happy? Maybe we can retreat to start crafting a new plan, new challenges, or new dreams. It’s time to change.

woman from behind having retreated

We may not win, but that doesn’t mean we will experience defeat

If we are able to define the concept of victory well, we will realize that we win when we achieve what we want. However, if, on the road to victory, we lose this desire, this will… How can we win? Reaching your goal without enthusiasm or strength will no longer have any meaning. Because winning also means enjoying the journey. Not always, but very often.

Sometimes a retreat is also a victory. It involves having the courage to give up our goal and understand that it is no longer for us. Or that it consumes us too much. Our state of mind tells us our limits. By knowing them, we will be able to move forward better.

Losing means much more than losing. It means feeling overwhelmed because we didn’t give everything we could to achieve what we wanted. Defeat also means persisting when we should let things go. Victory, on the other hand, means having struggled, being aware of our limits and knowing how far we can go. Winning also means being honest with ourselves.

woman on the rails having retreated to advance

Is it worth continuing to fight for something we believe is over?

We should not pass up opportunities or give up at the first failure. Stopping everything when we are close to our goal or when there is still a bit of magic would be a shame. So we should always assess the possibility of trying once more. It is for this reason that we encourage you to strive, to pursue what you desire, even though we are well aware that only you can make this decision and see where you are.

If this thing still makes you happy, if you have some doubts but feel that they sometimes dissipate, it might not be time to retreat. You can still win. Set limits, get to know yourself and how far your strength can take you.

Once you are sure, feel free to make a decision. Pay attention to your health and let go of what you no longer like. Of what is only a burden in your life. When you are able to do this, you will realize that you can fill your life with other challenges and joys, other battles and people around you.


Like the waves, I learned to leave to come back stronger
Our thoughts Our thoughts


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