My Personal Spaces Give Me The Peace I Need

My personal spaces give me the peace I need

“Focus on the journey, not the destiny. The joy is not in completing an activity, but in doing it ”. This sentence from sportsman Greg Anderson reminds us that sometimes our own world can come crashing down on us. We set goals and become obsessed with them, even at the cost of our own well-being. It is at this point that we must go in search of personal spaces capable of offering us peace, appeasement and calm.

I would like to suggest that you see your world as a journey. As such, in general it’s fun, full of new discoveries, finds, and places to explore. But there are also bad times, when nothing happens as planned or wanted.

Often unpleasant situations are not up to us. However, finding the solution is in our hands. For this, let’s discover the world of Pilar Jericó. This writer proposes the creation of personal spaces, which she calls the “personal spa”. Would you like to know what they consist of?

The importance of personal spaces

People spaces, which Jericó calls, with a good degree of sympathy, personal spas, are vital for every human being . When problems start to repeat themselves rapidly and uncontrollably, we must learn to live with them and not lose our harmony.

“The art of living is less about eliminating our problems than growing up with them”.

-Bernard M. Baruch-

Jericó knows a lot about this, because as a business leader, speaker, writer and influencer on social media, she has faced all kinds of situations throughout her professional career. It is therefore essential to know what it offers.

Because thanks to personal spaces, we can see problems as opportunities for growth.  This does not mean that we should rejoice in conflict. But, if we rationalize things, we can find the energy to face the situation in question and even come out of it strengthened and enriched.

In Pilar Jericó’s personal spa

For Jericó, a personal spa in a place, both physical and emotional, where we can regain our strength. Far from looking for workouts that allow us to anesthetize us in the face of conflict, it becomes positive to locate that place that connects us with our inner peace to obtain sufficient energy to face the problem. There are three different places for this.


Pilar Jericó tells us about spa friendships, because they generate endorphins. To defend this personal place, she relies on the study of Katerina Johnson, of the University of Oxford, who showed that these endorphins can even be better than morphine at anesthetizing pain.

Being with the people you love and who love you generates well-being. This is why from this place, we must remove at all costs toxic friendships and relationships with too much commitment. That is, it should only be people who really do you good and give you strength to face any problem.


Jericó has established a second personal place, which focuses on the passions. Sport, manual work, reading, the arts, cinema… All these passions or workouts are ideal for clearing the mind and for it to focus on activity, and not on worry.

In addition, we must not forget that at any time we can gain valuable learning to face the problems that reach us. Through his passions, you can develop new ideas that help to seek new approaches in the face of adversity.

The spaces

Finally, Jericó recommends what she calls spa areas. That is to say, finding places where we really feel good. In the heart of nature, in your favorite library, in a good friend’s house, a specific place of worship etc.

Finding those personal spaces that do us good can be a source of inspiration. We can even create a little nook in our house, a little impregnable sanctuary, which has a particular light or a privileged location.

“The tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are ”.

-Chinese proverb-

To sum up, Jericó talks about personal spaces not as an escape from problems, but as a stop to calm down, concentrate and face things. If we are able to distance ourselves, it will be much easier to find solutions. So when everything seems blocked, remember, procrastinate the situation, don’t lose your calm and seek the best possible way out without giving up your harmony and poise.

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