If You Think Like Everyone Else, You Don’t Really Think

If you think like everyone else, you don't really think
“It is said that in a town in the interior of the country, a group of people were having fun with the village idiot, a poor unhappy a little stupid, who lived by doing little errands and begging for alms. . 

Every day, some men from the village invited him to the bar, and always asked him to choose between two coins : one of an imposing size, but which was only worth 2 francs, and one of a smaller size, but worth 10. 

The village idiot always chose the bigger one, which made the others happy, who found there a good occasion to make fun of him. 

One day, someone who was watching this group of men making fun of this poor innocent, discreetly called the latter and asked him if he had realized that the largest room was the one that was worth the least. .

At that moment, the man answered him: I know it yes, I am not so stupid. It is worth 5 times less than the other, but the day I choose the little one, the game will stop, and I will no longer win this coin which is so precious to me. ” 

This story can be seen as mere entertainment,  but there are many lessons that can be learned.

The first is the following: the habit does not make the monk, and real idiots are not always those we think.
The second: who are the real fools in history?
The third: excessive ambition can put an end to your source of income.

1- We can feel good, even if others don’t think highly of ourselves 

We don’t need people to think about us to feel good about us throughout our lives. It doesn’t have to be, and we shouldn’t be looking for it. The important thing is to be in agreement with yourself.

We are wrong in trying to put labels on others, based on their behavior. We are more than what others think.

We have to fight against ourselves to feel good about ourselves, regardless of what other people think.

The most unhappy people in the world are those who care too much about what other people think.

2- What really matters is what you think of yourself 

People think what they want.  It doesn’t matter if they scrutinize your every move, down to the smallest detail.

They will always distort your reality through the prism of their own perception. Once you’ve come to the time to take stock of your life, it won’t matter what others think of you.

Do what you love, not what you think other people like. 

What you think of yourself is all that matters. Be true to yourself, follow your instincts, and don’t listen to what others expect of you.

You are the only person essential to your own existence, and you must support yourself at every moment of your life.

If you think like everyone else, you are not really thinking. And if you don’t think, you don’t really live.

3- The advantage of being smart is that you can always play the fool, while the reverse is impossible (Woody Allen)

Being smart isn’t about knowing where to go, it’s about knowing where not to go back and what not to allow. 

A smart person knows that we all have the right to think whatever we want. So she knows not to take the advice of others as a personal attack.

Realizing that we are unique, and valuing the attitudes that others may adopt towards us, allows us to create situations that are not detrimental to ourselves.

Leave your insecurities behind. Live intensely, and don’t let others interfere in your daily life.

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