The 7 Great Benefits Of Crying

The 7 great benefits of crying

When we see another person shedding tears, we usually feel bad. But we must keep in mind that  crying is not only used to show nostalgia, sadness, sorrow, pain or rage:  it also allows us to express joy or happiness. . Numerous studies thus highlight the multiple benefits of crying in the physical and emotional well-being of people.

We know that crying allows us to manifest the way we are feeling every moment. But these feelings don’t have to be negative. Crying is natural, useful, and more usual than people think. Just because you shed less tears doesn’t mean you’re stronger or psychologically stable. In fact, the benefits of tears are many, and now we’re going to tell you about the most important ones!

All tears are not the same

There are three kinds of tears. Each has a different composition and it depends on the function they perform as well as their origin. Basal tears are mostly protein and keep the eyes moist after each blink. Reflex tears are caused by external agents like smoke or wind. Their mission is to protect against irritation.

Finally,  emotional tears flow in response to a series of emotions  and these are the ones we refer to when we say we cry. They contain neuromodulatory elements (prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormones and leucine-encephalin) which work as natural pain relievers.

crying woman

Tears have a calming effect

Crying helps us calm down, release emotions, and free ourselves, but it also allows us to change and reduce a much deeper underlying condition: episodes of anxiety. That is to say that they have a direct effect and participate in the care of people. 

This is because  crying activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), the  one responsible for maintaining or promoting relaxation and rest of the body after exertion. Activation of the SNP in turn triggers a series of reactions in our body; they can therefore act on the stress level and participate in metabolic regulation.

Crying relieves pain and improves mood as well as sleep

A 2014 study showed that  emotional tears release two essential substances for people to feel good: oxytocin and endorphins. In this way, our physical and emotional discomfort disappears because this hormonal explosion gives us a feeling of pleasure and deep well-being.

Sometimes, after we cry, we laugh out loud or smile again. How is it possible that our moods change so much when, seconds ago, we were using tons of tissues? This is because oxytocin and released endorphins help improve mood. Their tranquilizing effects, positive impact on mood, and pain relief can help people get to sleep better and fall asleep more easily.

Tears help us kill bacteria

Lysozyme, an enzyme that is present in tears, plays a vital role for people. It acts as a bacteriostatic barrier because  it alters and breaks down the walls of bacteria. Therefore, on a physical level, it is a very effective and natural way to fight these organisms and keeps the eyes clean.

In fact, the findings show that it also helps protect against substances like anthrax and overcome the resistance bacteria have developed to antibiotics.

Crying reduces anxiety and stress: it is a natural calming agent

Here is one of the best benefits of crying! We have already seen that by crying we expel a series of substances through tears. So when these are shed in response to stress, they release a series of chemicals that are “responsible” for the same stress. Paradoxical, isn’t it?

For example, when we cry, our manganese levels decrease; it is a mineral linked to states of anxiety, nervousness or aggression. We also eliminate adrenaline and norepinephrine, substances that we release in greater quantities in situations of stress or danger.

woman crying

Crying is a call for empathy

Normally, when a person sees someone around them cry, they empathize with them and offer their shoulders. We usually think that she needs help or that a tragedy has happened to her, that something is hurting her, or that she is deeply distressed. Either way, her crying works like a magnet.

Another benefit of crying is that tears can help gain comfort and support from those around us.  This responds to basic attachment behavior. In fact, from this point of view, crying is a kind of attention request or a way of obtaining social or interpersonal benefit.

Crying helps you get to know yourself better

Some authors like Michael Trimble assure that  there is a whole “science of crying”. This could explain, for example, why some people are more inclined to cry than others. Other experts like Ad Vingerhoets assure that the number of times a person cries  depends on two concrete personality traits: empathy and neuroticism. 

Either way,  getting to know each other better is one of the big benefits of crying. Sometimes tears are seen as a mark of weakness when in reality they can be a real sign of emotional strength. Tears say a lot about us. They allow us to  know what are our weaknesses or vulnerabilities,  to realize when we need others, to become aware of what affects us more or less and of our needs.

For all these reasons, we can say that crying is good for your health. If we try to hold back our tears, we are preventing that much needed emotional cleansing. So, let’s not be afraid or ashamed to express what we feel deep inside. Let us release our anguish, our pain or our joy!


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