Today I Will Capture All That Life Has To Offer Me

Today I'll grab all that life has to offer me

I have decided that I can, that I must, and that I deserve to be happy. Today, I will put on new shoes and arm myself with renewed courage to let life take my breath away, to let it make me laugh and make me dance. Because the good things in life are those that blow our hair and shake our soul, and I think now is the time for me to feel this feeling that I had, until then, almost forgotten.

We all go through these periods when, suddenly, we say “stop”. Mental fatigue or the pressure of our surroundings tear us, one by one, each scale of this mermaid tail thanks to which we could until then swim freely in our personal oceans. However, saying “stop” is not always enough to generate the change that we so desire to see happen.

“We have to do ordinary things with extraordinary love.”

– Mother Teresa –

Phrases like “I deserve the best” , “it’s time for me to think of myself before thinking of others” , or even like “I have the right to be happy” are the same as these adages. that we repeat often but which, in the end, have no effect in our life. Even if we say to ourselves that perhaps, life has good surprises in store for us, it is not easy for all that to take a step towards the extraordinary, especially if our mind remains attached to common and basic things. .

To change and move towards better, there is no point in waiting your turn, or seeing a shooting star pass by to make a wish. A happy life only requires one thing: a happier brain.

Have you ever wondered how many thoughts you have in a day? Neurologists love to ask these types of questions, and have therefore been able to answer them: on average, about 50,000 thoughts pass through our minds every day. However, that being said, you should also know that almost 80% of these thoughts are absolutely useless; most of them are repetitive, mechanical, even obsessive.

The tired brain is the echo of the unhappy mind. This weakening train of thoughts travels in the ways of “if I were like this” , of “ if others would let me do this” or of “I am unable to do that” . Sometimes, on these roads as sterile as they are inshoptial, our mind blames each of our misfortunes on those around us. In this way, we fuel the engine of the tired brain all the more, of that distracted mind unable to make decisions.

However, by closing the windows of our brain in this way, we can only hear the echo of a phantom noise: one that conveys fear, indecision and despair. A good idea for making contact with all the good things that life has to offer is an open attitude, which allows two fabulous processes to fit into our minds: recycling and creation.


We are sure that, concerned about preserving the environment and the planet, you recycle your waste. Well, it turns out that our minds also need a similar “treatment”; a good part of our thoughts are useless to us: they are harmful. So, rather than accumulating them, we need to recycle. For that, nothing better than to transform an “I cannot” into one “I deserve the opportunity to try”.

On the other hand, in addition to recycling our thoughts, it is also important to create them. New ideas, attitudes and goals create, strengthen or weaken the connections between neurons in our brains. New thoughts generate new and powerful emotions, thanks to which we can say goodbye to that tired mind and closed windows.

To understand the magic of our brain and our emotions, we suggest you do a little experiment. Take the photo of a beautiful landscape. Now stick your nose to the picture; thus, if you try to focus your attention on what you are seeing, the only thing you will be able to make out will be a coarse, inconspicuous spot.

Our tired minds work the same way; everything that we consider in this perspective is not very enriching. However, if we take a step back, we will gradually see a world open to us full of possibilities and inspiring beauties. It is therefore positive to take some distance, because it allows us to realize that nothing, absolutely nothing can have enough power over us to make us slaves.


The University of California did an interesting study on happiness from a neurological perspective. This study is as practical as it is revealing; it was even published in a book called  Train your brain to get happy . In this book, we are told how thoughts generate changes in “our gray cells” to create a powerful emotional tissue that exudes balance and well-being.

  • To be more open to the opportunities that life offers us, it is not enough to simply tell ourselves: “I will go in search of my happiness” . Before installing new thoughts, it is necessary to get rid of old ones.
  • Sometimes asking ourselves questions forces us to focus our attention on those questions and find solutions to resolve them. Asking yourself the right questions means giving yourself the means to sort out what is useful and what is not, between what is good and what is bad. For example, rather than saying to you “I want to be happy”, ask yourself the following question: “what prevents me from being happy?”. Once this question has been asked, it is then time to think about the answer that can be given.
  • On the other hand, there are aspects that must be clear in our minds: people who want to be happier do not compare themselves to others, and the conditional is banned from their language. Indeed, they never say things like “what if I had this” , “what if I was like this” , “what if others were aware of this” , etc.

Speak in the present tense, be firm in your goals, and don’t measure your abilities against others. Cultivate inspiring, heartwarming, and creative thinking. And above all, remember: only open minds see something extraordinary where others perceive only common and basic things. 


Images by Marie Desbons and Milla Marquis

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