Your Freedom Is In Your Mind And In Your Emotions

Your freedom is in your mind and in your emotions

What is freedom? Do we really have to look for it within the borders of the physical world in which we inhabit?

Are we freer by living in one part of the world rather than another? Is it a state of mind or a geographic and political situation?

We will try to shed some light on the notion of freedom.

Without a doubt, we use it in a wide variety of subjects, but it’s a much more difficult concept to grasp than we might think.

Where does freedom reside?

Freedom resides in our mind, in our emotions, in our heart, in everything that lies deep in our soul and in our being.

Our consciousness is totally free, without chains or borders. What conditions our thinking and our way of seeing the world is what we have within us.

Certainly, for many people, freedom lies in more prosaic concepts, such as a sense of belonging, physical boundaries, money or the country in which they are born.

Obviously, it is easier to live in a democratic country than in a dictatorship which observes our every move, which controls the individual with an iron fist. But, in reality, is this really what makes us free people?

Is a person who is the victim of a repressive political and social system less free than us? Is this really what determines that a person, whatever their situation, is free from social conventions?

We are all capable of creating our own prisons, which will prevent us from living our lives to the fullest.

Even though we were born under the lucky star of the most democratic state in the world, we can create bars so powerful in our minds and hearts that we can never saw, pass or overcome them.

window bars

However, the one who dreams, who imagines, who believes in himself, who makes his own ideas, who reads, who experiments, who criticizes, who tries to understand, who loves, who is passionate and who is able to create, little no matter what country he is in, will feel free.

Inner freedom

In fact, true freedom is inside our hearts, thoughts, emotions, and dreams.

No matter what your ID card says, only you can make yourself truly free.

Is a person in a toxic relationship free? Are dying of love and not reacting in a dangerous situation for our emotions behaviors related to freedom?

Are we free when we work in something we don’t like and can’t stand? Is the fool freer than the wise?

In reality, freedom begins with oneself. If you are able to feel, move, fall in love, dream, seek other perspectives on life, rationalize positive and constructive criticism, seek all facets of life and cry out your pain, you are on the road to freedom.

It is really only in the solitude of your mind that you can be truly free.

It doesn’t matter what your entourage tells you, what the political parties want you to believe or what the media pushes you down all day long because, deep inside, you have all the freedom in the world to be yourself, in complete privacy.


Our ability to dream, to imagine, to believe, to see, to interpret, to be ourselves, is something that no one can ever truly take away from us.

However, we advise you not to seek your freedom in physically limited spaces, in nationalities or in territories.

Look for it inside yourself, your emotions, your feelings, your loves and your connections with others, because only there can you really find yourself.

Cry with a poem, be moved in front of a movie, laugh with a book, dream about your goals, make your dreams come true, be yourself.

This is the only way to find true freedom. All of this is in one place in the world: within you.

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