Close Your Eyes And Imagine Your Dreams Come True

Close your eyes and imagine your dreams come true

Just for today,  allow yourself to view life with the same hope as a child. Just for today, turn off the noise of pressures, fears, obligations, and stop the rustle of toxic environments. Do it, get some fresh air, take a deep breath, close your eyes and… be confident. Imagine for a second that what you hope will happen. Allow yourself to believe that all of your wonderful dreams will come true.

They say that dreaming is free but, let’s face it,  there comes a time when the mind gets tired of wandering through these islands of Circe,  these worlds satiny with happiness where the objectives are reached by a simple spell. Little by little, we lose hope in the value of dreams because reality is sometimes harsh, acid like lemon, dark like that coffee we take every morning to wake us up quickly from our nocturnal lethargy.

We could say, without fear of making a mistake (or almost), that  it always ends up happening: we stop dreaming as we used to do,  we stop making wishes when we see shooting stars because we already have behind us a long list of frustrated goals, harsh disappointments that unwittingly shaped our hearts almost entirely and extinguished that flame that, for a moment, had made us believe anything was possible.

However, and it should be kept in mind,  if there is one thing that has always defined the human being, it is his inexhaustible capacity to dream, to wander in impossible theories,  to fantasize with different reality variables up to creating a treasure map that motivates us to move forward. A bit like a wick that ignites our motivation and gives us strength and courage to continue in an endless struggle, where the one who loses his enthusiasm and stops dreaming remains behind …

woman in front of a mirror

Close your eyes to dream… Then open them to build your reality

Let us visualize for a moment this person who is tired of dreaming. Let’s put a face on it. Instead of considering his attitude as anecdotal, it is necessary to explore everything behind it. Because the one who does not dream, does not project or does not allow himself to relativize his reality by providing him / her with desires and alternative paths has quite simply lost hope. And there is nothing sadder than that.

It may be that this person has been convinced, from time to time, that happiness is something a little bigger than a promise that one awaits on a street corner. It may also be that she has read a thousand and one books of more radical positive psychology, the  one through which, very often, we find the law of attraction. Well, it should be noted that today, a movement is emerging; he could perhaps be of great help to this person whom we have visualized, and to whom we have perhaps given a name.

Happiness, in large part, consists in  knowing how to deal in a fair way the negative emotions, the disappointments which emerge from them, and also to tolerate the frustrations. So very often great efforts are not rewarded with results of the same magnitude; what is more, sometimes they do not lead to anything at all. Life often has its flaws and is sometimes insignificant: we have no choice but to assume it.

open door to dreams

Henriette Anne Klauser is one of the best-known writers in the personal development world; she created strategies to help people think and boost their creativity. So, she offers us an interesting thing in her book “ Write it down and make it happen !” we have to dream with our eyes closed and then write down all these desires.

It would, in effect, be about writing a vital script with small short and long term goals in order to create a plan. Once this plan was drawn up, there would be only one step missing, the most courageous of all: to  open your eyes and fight for these goals.

The time has come to claim the dreams we left behind

Let’s do it. Let’s close our eyes for a moment and see, for a second, who we were yesterday. Someone with more hope, with more confidence, and maybe with less experience. It was at this time that the future appealed to us, like a field with a clear view of the stars: it was enough to look at one to think that anything was possible. After that, the disappointments may have arrived, with this one-way street where prejudices, fears and insecurities made us say “ don’t do it, don’t dream or you will suffer”.

Randy Pausch, a famous science teacher known for giving a master class on life and death, said  that there always comes a time when we have to decide whether we are a courageous person or not,  whether our heart is has enough hope to fight for what he wants and if, in reality, we really think we deserve what we dream of. If all of the answers are positive, there is no choice but to go ahead and strive for our dreams.

To conclude,  it is our duty to become again that child full of dreams that we were yesterday,  that version of ourselves that we left on the path of fear, or perhaps because we made the unforgivable mistake. to overestimate us. Therefore, let us reclaim the light of innocence that we possessed yesterday and combine it with the cunning and life-saving learning that we have acquired in the present. Let’s close our eyes and imagine that the impossible becomes possible, that what we so want to come true… Let’s also dream of having enough courage to fight for what we really want.


Images of The Zoork



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