5 Extraordinary Phrases From Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller’s famous quotes represent a piercing critique of consumers’ lifestyles. They focus on the success of the United States in his day. They go even further: they also invite reflection on the meaning of life and creation.
5 extraordinary quotes from Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller’s phrases that have gone down in history come from his works, the interviews he gave and the random notes he left strewn about his passing places. This fabulous American playwright has written on universal themes, such as the meaning of life, love and power.

Arthur Miller was, above all, a great critic of his society. His most famous work, The Death of an Itinerant Agent , strongly denounces the falsity of the “American dream”. In The Salem Witches , he shows the extent to which society is capable of committing injustices based on prejudice and on the majority.

Arthur Miller was also a persecuted politician. His ideas put him in the crosshairs of the most conservative sectors. Rather than proposing a new political system, he pleaded for the humanization of the current one. His thinking and ideological stance was reflected in many of his sentences. Here are some of his thoughts.

1. One of Arthur Miller’s quotes about the character

This is one of Arthur Miller’s most interesting quotes. When he talks about character he is referring to the particular way a certain person thinks and feels. He emphasizes that what determines it are the problems.

There are issues which, no matter how much they don’t want to be taken on, are inescapable. Others, on the other hand, can be avoided, but leave some disagreement when ignored. So the bottom line is that these are the issues that define who we are.

Discover the life of Arthur Miller.

2. Life is like a nut

This statement refers to the search for the essence and true meaning of life. The latter, like many of Arthur Miller’s other phrases, uses a strong metaphor. Basically, he emphasizes that twists of fate are indicative of life.

When he speaks of “feather cushions” he is referring to favorable circumstances. These circumstances may be more comfortable, but they do not serve to reveal the essence of things. The greatest learning takes place in the midst of difficult situations. The shots have the merit of showing us what existence is made of.

3. Miracles according to Arthur Miller

Belief in miracles gives life a certain air of hope. Fortuitous events that change everything are something that many people dream of. May something unexpected happen and it free us from unhappiness, poverty or any other unwanted situation.

However, a good portion of those who believe in these supernatural possibilities suffer from a strong fit of disenchantment when they find that they are not happening (as a rule).

Ultimately, believing in miracles is a path that easily leads to hopeless misfortune ; especially when faith puts everything in luck and not in action.

4. Tragedy and fanaticism

The Greeks defined tragedy as that vital situation in which there is no possible way out. Reality is presented in such a way that any option leads us to misfortune. Sometimes we are faced with situations like this.

This is one of Arthur Miller’s phrases that alludes to tragedy, which has been the material for many of his plays. He shows us how human beings experience a kind of extreme concentration when they approach a tragic situation. Like when we know someone we love is going to die and we cling to denying it.

Find out more about Arthur Miller.

5. Find the right question

This is one of the most interesting quotes from Arthur Miller. It emphasizes the fundamental importance of the question, rather than the answer. In particular, it refers to the statement of the problem, that is, to the formulation of the question on which to work, both in life and in creative activity.

His approach is very lucid and coincides with what mathematicians propose. Knowing how to state the problem or the question to be solved is an action that brings us resolutely closer to solving it. Often times, we can’t find the answer, just because we haven’t asked the question correctly.

In the works and phrases of Arthur Miller, we discover a writer who has thought deeply about the human condition. He dedicates himself to dramaturgy because he sees in it a space in which the human being sees himself as in a mirror. Her designs are very revealing for anyone who wants to go beyond the looks.

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