The Art Of Motivating Others

The art of motivating others

There are days when the spaces we frequent are occupied by people immersed in oceans of negative emotions. One of them is work. Whether it is because we are responsible for a team or even a business leader, it is our duty to try to “boost the morale of the troops”. But how to influence others in this direction? Through the art of motivating others.

Even if it is first essential to focus on yourself – it would be impossible to motivate a team if we are not ourselves -, and to become the guarantor of the performance of a group , one must always remain very attentive to the emotions which emerge from this group. Let us not forget that the motivation of a group is intimately linked to the emotions which predominate in it.

-Henry Ford-

Improve interaction with your team

You want to bring out the best in the people you have around you, and you want to push them forward because you know what they can give. But, there are a lot of reasons why they brake with all four irons and even start to move backwards. The result then begins to deviate from the expected result. A project can be rejected, a family problem can occupy the thoughts at any time …

The art of motivating involves identifying the difficulties that arise, inevitable in any project, and which must be faced. For this identification to be possible and to happen, good communication is necessary. An interaction which is based on respect, but which at the same time stimulates assertiveness and the expression of the opinions of each one.

The chefs are not always right. People who work with us can also see things from another perspective. It is therefore positive that all opinions are heard so that everyone feels part of the project. In addition, listening to what others think, such as managers, always brings other perspectives to the problems that plague: perspectives that, from our office, we would not have been able to foresee.

Motivating is done “hot”

What is the point of arguing with a child if he did something stupid the day before? Regarding the art of motivating, it’s the same thing. Motivation must occur at the exact moment when it is needed. As a team leader, we must therefore always be alert to detect the right moments when our “motivating” intervention can have a major effect.

“Motivation is the fuel of the brain.”


Keep your eyes peeled because otherwise you won’t be able to see what works and what doesn’t. Reinforce, with words, what you find relevant and write things down to maintain consistency. Know that establishing some kind of compass will help your team to honor all the steps that you recommend and will highlight everything that made it possible to achieve a goal when it is reached. This will have a positive impact on the motivation of the group and on yours.

Give space to others

Motivating is not the same as applying pressure. Sometimes we confuse these two terms and that is why we do not get the expected results. As a team leader, you are responsible for dictating the steps to be followed, the rules to be followed and the pace of work required to achieve the agreed goal.

Once everything is clear, it’s important to give people on your team some space. Allow them to set their own pace of work, meet deadlines, strive to make it happen, and keep their motivation going. Check and help them with what is blocking them, without subjecting them to excessive pressure by systematically reminding them of what they should have already done.

A team works for a common goal, and each member should be responsible for their duties. If, as a worker, you know what you need to do and have made a commitment, it is very likely that you will feel motivated. However, if in addition to all this responsibility, the manager exhausts you, reminds you of deadlines, harasses you with questions about the progress of the project, does not emphasize the positive and only focuses on the negative, you will demotivate yourself .

Take creative action

Physical and mental exhaustion can be counterproductive in the art of motivation. This is why it is also necessary to rest. Because sometimes work becomes torture. With proper management of our mental energy, we can succeed in making it almost entertaining. To get to this point, it is essential to highlight the creative possibilities that allow having fun at work, without forgetting the responsibility.

What to do about it? For example, you can stop for 10 minutes and go have a coffee. You are the team leader and you know that a moment of relaxation will not decrease performance, on the contrary. Detaching yourself from the project is very positive. It allows you to release tension, to interact and to laugh, which is also important in the work.

You can also offer a round of jokes or anecdotes for 5 minutes, or a short nap, which is better known as a powernap. You don’t have to go anywhere. In the office, in the workspace, you can allow a pleasant and unexpected rest to recover energy and revitalize yourself. This habit, well carried out, also promotes a good group atmosphere and provides information on how everyone feels, beyond the professional sphere.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you mess up and how slowly you move forward. You are always good in front of those who don’t even try. ”

-Tony Robbins-

Communicating with the team, being interested in what happens to people in life, giving them space and breaking patterns is very important in the art of motivating. The goal? That everyone can have fun with what requires great seriousness and great commitment. It seems almost impossible, but it is not. These quick tips will help you and your team be prepared to tackle your next goal with envy!

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Images of Asquixio Devianart


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