7 Tips For Ending A Friendship

7 tips for ending a friendship

Not all friendships last forever, and like relationships, sometimes breakups are times of great pain.

This happens especially when we talk about close friends who see themselves, in a certain way, united for life.

With more “peripheral” friends, we speak more of a gradual and slow separation over time.

The pain that this type of absence produces is often less and the relationship usually becomes a good memory, leaving behind a cordial, even pleasant, understanding.

Realize that you can take care of a friendship, but sometimes, even if you give a lot, you can’t avoid relationship breakdown.

This breakup can lead to the end of a friendship between two or more people, if it is a group of friends.

In this article, we are going to give you a series of ideas so that this breakup does not turn into a drama and can occur in the least painful way possible.

Admit your mistakes

We all make mistakes and you are no exception, but here what matters is being able to admit them.

There is nothing more frustrating than an argument with someone who never admits their mistakes. It’s common for friends to let go of some of our mistakes that actually hurt them. They should not therefore be denied or minimized.

Think about whether it is really worth losing something so precious out of pride.


Admitting that you were wrong is a big step, but it loses its value if it is not accompanied by a sincere apology.

No need to submit completely. Just make a sincere apology and avoid disguised or direct assault. 

Don’t make assumptions

Focus on what really happened. Do not fall into the trap of assuming why the other person did so. 

You would be surprised how many times people make mistakes when making assumptions.

Have compassion

If the friendship ends because the other person has hurt you, compassion is next to impossible.

Take into account that at some point you too have hurt someone. However, you don’t think of yourself as a bad person.

Experience says that we are more understanding with our own mistakes than with those of others.

Don’t project your insecurities

It is very common to project insecurity onto the other person without realizing it. We believe that our friend thinks something that he actually doesn’t think. In truth, it is we who have something in the head.

Avoid questions like: “Why do you think that about me? Am I that bad? ”. Before saying it, analyze if it is not you who are like that.

Don’t put the past back on the table

It is very important that you focus on the present. Argue and talk about current events. The good times and the bad should be remembered.

Don’t involve anyone else

You may be tempted to talk to other friends to corroborate your story.

It gives the feeling that we are not mistaken in the judgment we are giving to the other person. However, by doing so, you can do a lot more harm than you think.

Do not force others to pass judgment because the situation will turn against you. On the other hand, avoid spreading any rumors. Things are not always as simple as they seem. 

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