I’m One Of Those Weird People Who Don’t Know How To Get

I'm one of those weird people who don't know how to get

Maybe you too: you’re one of those stubborn, old-fashioned people who don’t know how to surrender.

Because even if the body hurts and the scars weigh heavily, the mind never surrenders …

He does not let us give up on our dreams because, unless that renunciation is a theatrical act, he takes us away from them.

We are talking here about perseverance, the opposite of laziness of the soul. The opposite of defeatism which, sometimes, is suggested to us by society itself, with its walls and barbed wire.

Sören Kierkegaard, for his part, made it very clear in his texts: when those around us drag us into despair, there is only one antidote: hope. Hope through which the engine of perseverance can work.

I’m that type of person who knows what they like and what they don’t like in their life. Of those who do not know how to surrender, of those who understand that nothing falls from the sky …

Sometimes, even if everyone has abandoned us, there is only one option left: to keep moving forward.

Today, and because of the economic and social situation in which we are, it is common to be carried away by the drift of defeatism.

Losing a job, failing in a project or leaving behind a horizon of expectations with a stable couple and a life plan, often involves experiencing a huge collapse of our foundations, and even of our identity.

This is understandable. However, as it is often said, if failure brings us down, we need to rise up for our dreams.

Instead of succumbing to despair, it is necessary to accept a proactive attitude as a shield in the face of suffering. 

So take a deep breath and walk forward. Because it is forbidden to surrender.


Change inertia and transform into “movement”

Poets, in their exceptional art of shaping emotions, have defined depression with very “powerful” terms, such as “the mouth of the wolf”, “the bottomless pit”, “the belly of the whale” or “the whale’s belly”. dark night of the soul ”.

These concepts evoke an idea that neuroscience has studied for years: the time factor in the depressed brain.

There is a slowdown. It is as if life, its noise and the second hand of its clocks had stopped.

Brain chemistry plunges us into this state of perpetual melancholy where nothing is progressing.

We are talking about this in view of a very objective fact: the uncertainty about the future, when we lose a job or when we break an emotional relationship, we take refuge in these emotional corners where we become prisoners and where nothing is left. advance.

Everything stops and that’s when hope is withered and an unwanted guest appears: depression.

If this is how you feel in these moments, remember something: surrender is an option, but getting in motion is an obligation.

This is what the authors of the book “Le petit livre des grands decisions” explain. In this interesting manual, they detail 50 models of decision-making in very complex personal mazes.


The key to these strategies is not always the same. It takes willpower. But… how to forge it in the face of so much emotional suffering?

Know that the will is worked, educated and strengthened with mindfulness and effort. 

The courage not to surrender must be of value. Like a pillar of the soul. Like a root that nourishes our essences.

Sometimes surrender is knowing how to accept

We have seen that in order to face adversity, it is necessary to take steps forward. Avoid stillness and a brain numbed by lack of hope, prospects and dreams. There is another detail to take into account.

Sometimes surrender is necessary, especially to accept that a process has come to an end.

Here, the difficulty is twofold and even more delicate. You can fight every day for a promotion at work. To keep the person you love by your side.

But, if there is no love, battles are useless. If there is no opportunity for professional improvement, there is no point in continuing to dream of the impossible.

Accepting it is also a matter of courageous people, and overcoming it is a matter of genuine conquerors.

mirror man

There are battles which, quite simply, are lost from the start. All struggles offer us a lesson, even those that take us away from the initial objective.

But, remember: to face a fact or a person is not to lose in the face of life.

Because sometimes loss also means setting out to conquer yourself, and there is nothing more noble and wiser.

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