50 Tips To Be Braver

50 tips to be braver

When you were a kid, you would surely identify with a superhero or a character who fought against his enemies with a cape, sword or super power. Or maybe you thought your father was the one who could save you from all dangers.

But why when we grow up, do we stop being so courageous, we feel one more among the masses, we want to go unnoticed, we do not do justice and we wait for the laws to come to our aid?

Overall, it is certain that being courageous today is very difficult. Shyness is the one that wins the battles and this gradually leaves points in our personal esteem.

While in today’s society courage is valued and the timid are encouraged to change their attitude, we usually do not make enough effort to cope with what may happen to us. We would need to face a villain, a fire-breathing dragon, or a meteorite about to destroy the planet.

Dealing with what is happening to us would be more than enough (at least to begin with).

Courage doesn’t just include heroic acts, like those seen on the news, when a man saves a fallen baby in the river or a firefighter saves an old lady who had fallen asleep with the gas on.

Being courageous means taking risks, trying something new, not being afraid that things will go wrong, etc.

How to develop your courage on a daily basis?

From that moment on, there is no need to step into the shoes of a Marvel or Justice League character, and face the villains of your city.

Every day you have the capacity to be “a little more courageous”. Gradually it will become easier and easier.

Do you want to know how? Pay attention to the following sentences. It is not mandatory to follow a specific order, but it is to add a new action to your habits.

Do not forget those already seen and already practiced: are you ready?

1- Give yourself the right to smell

2- Leave aside those who disappoint you or who are not faithful to you

3- Look at yourself in the mirror and list the positive 

4-Tell someone you love them (if you really love them)

5- Talk to those around you about what you like or what excites you

6- Write your own story, not that of others

7- Share your ideas, even if they are a little crazy 

8- Express your opinions, even if they are different

9- For a day, go out on the street without makeup

10-allow yourself to be wrong

11- Trust your senses and your instincts

12- Try to do something for the first time

13- Set limits with people, activities, things

14- start something that you always put off until the next day

15- Sing in the middle of the street (and it’s even better if you don’t sing right)

16- Dance on the way to work

17- Play an instrument (even if you’ve never seen it in your life)

18- Use a skateboard or rollerblades to do your shopping

19- Endure the discomfort or embarrassment

20- Make a mistake

21- Say “I don’t know”

22- Ask for help when you can’t do something

23- Show yourself vulnerable to so much

24- Face your problems

25- Leave the past behind

26-Take pictures

27- Trust a crazy idea

28- Support a friend who is in a situation of pressure

29- End an abusive relationship that doesn’t do you good

30- Say goodbye to your fears

31- Tell about your nightmares

32- Stand up against your own prejudices

33- Don’t do what you don’t want to do

34- Don’t say things you don’t feel or mean

35- Dress without considering fashion

36- Be the one who takes the first step after an argument

37- Offer a flower or a candy to a stranger

38- Don’t try to control everything

39-Love your madness

40- Ask someone how they are doing and don’t interrupt

41- Don’t react badly when someone criticizes you

42- Hug someone you love

43- Give yourself compliments, say nice things about yourself, your successes, your appearance

44- Don’t always be “full” or very busy

45- Be open to new things that come your way

46- Repeat as many times as necessary

47- Look for the “feedback” of those around you

48- Be like a child and have fun

49- Talk to that person whom you like and whom you dare not invite out

50- Make an appointment with your boss and tell him what you think

Remember that to be courageous is not not to be afraid, but to know how to overcome fear.

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