5 Keys To Maintain Independence In The Couple

To ensure the longevity of a healthy romantic relationship, it is important to achieve a certain independence in the couple. To help you, here are some tips.
5 keys to maintaining independence in a relationship

We sometimes think that living as a couple means spending most of the time with the other person. But in reality, there are many other ways to conceive of a relationship. Independence in a couple can sometimes be the key to a healthy and lasting relationship.

Living too “glued” to the other person can become harmful. If we do this, it is possible that one day or another we will feel saturated, stifled and sometimes without new plans on the horizon. Maintaining a certain independence in the relationship allows you to enjoy a moment together, this space in which to reflect and experience calm, both personally and professionally.

It is also important to learn to control our ego. Thus, this one will not alter the relationship of couple and will thus avoid imposing our ambitions and our desires before those of the other. Admittedly, it sometimes turns out to be very difficult if we share all our time with our partner. Indeed, it is possible that he feels obligated to participate in activities that he does not like or even that he is required to carry out.

Two happy people because they know how to establish independence in the couple

The importance of independence in the couple

The lack of independence in the couple is often linked to a situation of extreme dependence. If we do not know how to cultivate and maintain a certain independence, we can come to this situation. We will then think that we do not know how to do anything without the other person and we will lock ourselves in a dangerous comfort zone.

However, to flourish on a personal level and know how to value the relationship,  it is important to devote time to ourselves, to go out with our friends or to make other plans. This is only possible if one maintains a certain level of interdependence in the relationship.

Ultimately, independence in the couple allows us to enjoy life. In addition,  it teaches us to value the time spent with the partner. It finally helps us to deal with jealousy and possessive feelings.

How to maintain independence in the couple

In order to enjoy a healthier relationship, we give you some tips to try to achieve a good degree of interdependence.

1. Accept yourself to accept the other

It’s a good idea to do a little soul-searching to learn to love and value ourselves and, by extension, to better accept our partner. In addition, it will allow us to form healthier relationships with our friends and family.

We should also try to be  aware of everything that sets us apart from others,  such as our tastes, opinions or passions. Valuing everything that defines our personality will help us understand that it is not necessary to adapt everything around us to our tastes.

2. Dialogue with the partner

Another important aspect is to have a  dialogue with our partner on the need for space and independence. 

In this way, we can make the other person understand that spending time apart is, in fact, a positive thing for the couple. Indeed, growing up in a positive way at the individual level will also have an influence on the couple relationship.

3. Be sincere

When we spend time without the other person, it is important to maintain sincere communication. This will make it easier  to avoid any misunderstanding, doubts or even difficulties linked to jealousy.

This does not mean that we have to give detailed explanations to our partner at all times. We should not try to hide important things  and not have secrets that could compromise the relationship.

4. Keep an individual space

Valuing our personal space can be very positive for the relationship and for ourselves. Going for a walk, seeing this film that we like so much, reading, playing sports or any activity that we like is important. This indeed contributes to our well-being. If we put everything aside, we will sooner or later miss it and we will experience some discomfort.

In addition, these little pleasures will allow us to build an individual plot where we will feel safe, peaceful and relaxed.

A woman carries a stack of books

5. Establish healthy boundaries

Boundaries protect our personal space. It is therefore essential to let people know what behavior seems negative, abusive or invasive in the other person. In addition,  we must be respectful with the tastes of the other person, with his values, his beliefs and his feelings.

As we have seen, time for oneself is essential throughout life. It allows us, in large part, to grow personally and professionally, in  addition to cultivating a rich and fruitful social life.


Relationships within the couple and self-protection
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Risking being emotionally linked to someone in a relationship makes us vulnerable to the pain of possible rejection.

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